You know that it’s not rare, right? 84% of people worldwide are affiliated with a religion. Do you want 84% of people to drown?
Not when we wrap ourselves in the sins of our past. All religions should be burned down. Fuck your head-scarf. I’m a leftist but any religious person can drown 6 months ago 6 months ago
How many of those people believe in Noah’s ark? Those people answered for you 6 months ago
So yes? You want anyone who believes in Noah’s ark to die? I wouldn’t call you a leftist. 6 months ago
Those same people would admit a flood should coat the earth to kill all sinners… shouldn’t die to a flood?
Maybe you should read a fucking dictionary, because no where does “leftism” mean “the production should be owned by a sky daddy”. Fucking pleb 6 months ago
That’s shitty 6 months ago
Breathe 6 months ago
If you were a leftist you would have had better historical and material analysis to what’s going on rather than just “religion bad”.