The supremes will rule fairly! …and in the case of people vs the Google, how do you find these 3 million dollars in a quad motor Tesla?
Innocent your supremacist! Innocent!
Comment on US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in 'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century'. 6 months ago
Oh boy, can’t wait for this one to be thrown out by our totally not rugged, definitly for the people supreme Court.
The supremes will rule fairly! …and in the case of people vs the Google, how do you find these 3 million dollars in a quad motor Tesla?
Innocent your supremacist! Innocent!
What with Trump recently declaring (in his usual completely coherent and not at all deranged manner) that Google are Bad, the Supreme Court might not necessarily be feeling so keen to help out on this one.
Trump is mad at Google so the Republicans want it. So Supreme Court will likely rule 6/3 in favor.
one can hope lol 6 months ago
Clarence Thomas needs a new RV, which one will google buy him? 6 months ago
Throw in a 4 wheeler and you’ve got a deal 6 months ago
Shit, Google would probably offer a private jet fuck an RV. 6 months ago
Clarence isn’t smart enough for that.