Comment on Stinky Overflow. Plug it? 7 months ago
You may have a drain that is draining too slow which is causing a backup into the overflow. If you turn the water on full blast does the drain keep up? If it’s not keeping up you need to figure out why. 7 months ago
🤯 you just blew my mind with that possibility.
When I put the pop-up stopper in, the drain flows much slower than without it. And! Without the pop-up stopper installed, I’ve never had the smell or slime. I hadn’t put two and two together.
I guess what threw me is that it’s happened with two separate (but similar) drain assemblies. Maybe I’ll try installing a grid style assembly. That might do the trick. 7 months ago
I just want to say this interaction made me happy and I’m glad to have witnessed it. It’s been a shit day and this cheered me up (a little).