Comment on More than 100 arrested in London as violence flares after Southport stabbings 7 months ago“Breaking the law and getting arrested for it is literally 1984”
Do you even know what being in Contempt of Court is?
Do you think, for example, that not turning up to court shouldn’t go against you? Or purposely trying to derail the trial? Or defying court orders? Or disclosing details of an ongoing court case, risking the entire case being dismissed?
I suppose you must love people like Tommy Robinson, who has on multiple occasions been charged with contempt of court? Is he “based”? Is it Orwellian to bring criminal charges to him? 7 months ago
I agree with Tommy Robinson being charged in contempt of court because I disagree with his views.
I disagree with JSO members being charged in contempt of court because I agree with their views.
Because the former’s views are racist vile shit, but the latter’s views are well intentioned calls for reform.
The two are in fact, not equal, and treating them as such, judging them only by how well they play the system we all know is designed to benefit the status quo is putting that system onto a pedestal of perfection and ignoring all nuance. 7 months ago
You literally just accused me of this and then you admit to actually it being your base belief structure. God you’re obnoxious. 7 months ago
Never accused you of this, that was another user. 7 months ago
That’s not how courts work, and it’s not how laws work. It shouldn’t be done based on feels.
They explicitly said they would rather people in ambulances die than let them through. Do you agree with that?
Killing people is fine?
You can’t just say “no the law shouldn’t apply to you because I like you”. That sounds like the way some fascist shithole would be run. 7 months ago
Fee-fees != Morality, context, nuance
It’s a shitty situation. They are not being listened to, what are they supposed to do? Idk I’m not them I can’t unpack all that, but somehow I doubt they have genuine contempt for random people in ambulances.
Depends. In self-defense? Yeah, absolutely. Are they Nazis? Yeah go for it man. Landlords? Geez wait for me! Oil execs? Wait wait, slow down, let me grab my S&W.
Well we are in a fascist shithole and it’s not run like that so checkmate redditor.
The problem is that when you let only bad guys use hypocrisy, they win. 7 months ago
It is fee-fees.
Christ. Imagine defending someone who says that they’d rather let people in ambulances die than let them through. Yikes. I can’t even comprehend being that hateful.
Nope. People in ambulances needing hospital treatment.
People being charged for crimes they’ve committed isn’t fascism.
The mother of the person who was jailed said it was wrong as it meant her son wouldn’t be able to attend a wedding in America, which was retweeted by JSO. Absolutely hilarious for two reasons:
they think they (because they’re wealthy posh twats) shouldn’t be interrupted or made late for things, yet they are happy to make others late for things (such as being rushed to fucking A&E)
they are fine with rich people getting flights, but not poor people
We’re done here. I don’t want to talk to someone who thinks leaving people to die needlessly in ambulances is a good thing. If that really is what gets your dick hard, you need help.