Literally Jorjor Well
Comment on More than 100 arrested in London as violence flares after Southport stabbings 7 months ago5 years for one of them IIRC, although their case was more complicated than Reddit/Lemmy comments often state. Reddit/Lemmy often says they got 5 years for peacefully protesting, however:
the protestors affected emergency services
the protesters were repeat offenders
the protesters said they are glad they broke the law
the protester who got the longest sentence was in contempt of court and got arrested again during the court case
the protestor who got the longest sentence was continually rude to the judge and constantly tried to create drama in the courtroom, generally a terrible idea.
the protester who got the longest sentence said he would commit more crimes, he would never stop, and he couldn’t wait to get out there and commit more crimes.
5 years is a long time, but at the same time, particularly that last one, honestly wtf did he expect to happen? The judge to say “oh cool mate, go on now, leave my courtroom and commit more crimes. Boys will be boys! What a little scallywag!”? He left the judge with little choice but to come down on him hard. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Well if he was rude he should clearly get excommunicated if not defenestrated.
/s 6 months ago
Don’t be such a fuckwit. 7 months ago
If being rude to the judge means you get more prison time then you’re already so far down the rabbit hole you need to rebel. That’s straight out of the authoritarian handbook.
And a repeat offender of hanging from road signs? Really? Oh no. The world is ending.
You guys are grasping at straws here. They weren’t even the ones to stop traffic. They were above it all holding signs. You’re blaming them for the actions of the state that’s massively over reacted on their punishment. In other words, victim blaming. 7 months ago
Cars affect them way more, so if anything JSO would prolly in the long term make things better for them.
Based. Being a judge prosecuting fucking climate protestors is the real crime.
Unreal, I don’t even know the guy but have enormous respect for him. Thanks for sharing this. 7 months ago
Saying Based isn’t a counter argument. Please come up with some of your own opinions and demonstrate how you arrived at them or shut the hell up.
You’re as bad as the thugs, you let somebody else tell you what your opinion should be and you don’t actually know why they’re your opinions, because you’ve just absorbed them from the ether, and did not arrive at them on your own, so you just shout at people without any idea about why you’re angry at them. Grow up. 7 months ago
Idk what to say? Corporate terrorists who shit up our planet from oil execs to their political lackeys all deserve to be put to the sword. Someone bringing attention to that in a legal system that serves capitalist interests in such a brazen, dedicated fashion is a hero of mine.
This is my original opinion I’ve come to over many years from being a dedicated establishment defender concerned with “civility” and broadly unaware of the concept of negative peace that serves the purpose of denying justice to those affected, then to moderate “shit sucks but neither side is right” to now radicalized, and I know exactly why my opinion is that way - it is witnessing the collapse of this country in real time that got me to open my eyes to the fact things here are run by thieves who steal from us all tangibly and less so, from the landleeches who leech off labour when we have enough excess housing to house everyone right now, literally solving homelessness, to the oil execs who leech off our very planet - a planet that it’s very hard to argue does not belong to all of us, and when the system fails to account for this it is a failed system, and thus direct action outside of the justice system run by and for those same thieves is almost always justified - nay - morally required. 7 months ago
I have to agree with you. I’ve tried my best to get on board with how the system functions, the outcomes it produces and forgive its flaws but it just doesn’t reflect my values. Apart from the physical destruction its causing, tolerating a system which is working against you like that for long enough just crushes your spirit. Accepting that I oppose it is liberating. 7 months ago
Personal opinion isn’t relevant here, that’s what you do not sit here to understand.
The sentence they got was based on the things they did and the way they conducted themselves in the courtroom. You cannot complain that their sentences were too long without also accepting that they hold some responsibility for the length of their own sentences. Whether you believe that’s moral or not is utterly irrelevant. 7 months ago
You can’t be serious. People purposely blocking a motorway that’s critical for emergency services are less at fault for blocking emergency services than a person in a car or bus in your eyes?
That’s not a legal defence.
Dunno why you replied to the same line twice, but see above.
See above.
See above. And no, being in contempt of court isn’t based.
No it’s not based. It’s stupidity. Insulting the judge handling your trial is moronic.
And no, judges prosecuting people guilty of committing a crime, whether you believe the charge is worthy or not, isn’t a crime. It’s their job.
Funny. I feel the opposite. I was sympathetic to him before I looked into the facts and saw how much of a moron he is. The disservice he’s doing to the climate debate is immense. I hope he has a good think about his actions while he’s in prison. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Do you even know what being in Contempt of Court is?
Do you think, for example, that not turning up to court shouldn’t go against you? Or purposely trying to derail the trial? Or defying court orders? Or disclosing details of an ongoing court case, risking the entire case being dismissed?
I suppose you must love people like Tommy Robinson, who has on multiple occasions been charged with contempt of court? Is he “based”? Is it Orwellian to bring criminal charges to him? 7 months ago
My God you are utterly pathetic individual. You actually think that your personal opinion is the same as objective reality. Either you have an ego the size of a small continent or you don’t actually understand what you’re talking about.
I honestly suspect it to be the latter, your response to me was basically copy paste eco warrior bullshit. None of it has any real recognition of the challenges faced by changing, or any real desire to moderate or come to some kind of mutual agreement. All it is is pronouncements with your nose in the air firmly telling everybody how utterly scummy they are they don’t follow your belief structure. 7 months ago
The way you reply to comments is not endearing you to anybody.