Then take mass transit or get a car that runs on fuel. Having all this extra battery mass everywhere is just bad all around.
However, big battery in an EV doesn't really make sense since it should be plugged in every day when you get home for a few hours
Except some people actually travel. Who wants to stop and charge every 100 miles? 7 months ago 7 months ago
An easy way to get around this would be replaceable batteries. Like how mobile phones used to work.
Running low? Pop to the nearest charging station and swap your battery for a fully charged one. Or bring a spare. I’ve seen a video of it being done for scooters, don’t see why it can’t be scaled up for cars 7 months ago
Been thinking about that since EV were just getting started. Of course it means you’d need to create new standards, get all the manufacturers and gas stations to use it, etc. But I really don’t see why it couldn’t work that way, park the car over the system, empty battery comes off and full battery goes in, pay a monthly subscription or something.