Soon: “Open source software or pirated copies of photoshop only” 6 months ago
This makes entirely too much sense. I’d love to see sanity prevail and this to trend, but I no longer have reasonable hope for much anymore.
I do secretly feel bad for any government workers that were using Photoshop and have to switch to Gimp though. 6 months ago 6 months ago
GIMP is fucking awesome what are you on about 6 months ago
Glad you love it. This is kind of a tired debate but specifically if you are well versed in Photoshop and try to convert to Gimp you feel like, well, a Gimp. From personal experience I tried for a solid year and it never felt right. I could still do the things I needed but it took longer and was more cumbersome. Probably a different story if you grow up with it. 6 months ago
Eh, really depends on the use case. For example if you want to edit something distributed in a psd format gimp won’t even tell you something got imported wrong. So the file will import but will look wrong.
And then there’s the UI. It just refuses to follow any current standards. Whether that’s a good or bad thing depends on the user.
Personally I use affinity photo. Works for my use case and is a one time purchase product, which for me is ok.