It’s a war on any free speech, they don’t like. They could just add more restrictions for certain people.
Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 7 months ago
it’s not a war on porn; it’s a war on lgbtq people and content. the people pushing for these bills have straight up said that. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Exactly. They want to know who is saying what, which is why they’re making these services ask for ID. It’s about control, and “protecting children” is the excuse.
It’s the same reason they’re trying to ban cryptocurrencies like Monero (private, non-traceable transactions), end-to-end encryption, copyright circumvention tech, etc. They want backdoors to access all the information under the guise of “security,” but really it’s about control.
Screw all of it. 7 months ago
and also a war on porn, the war on porn is the secondary knock on effect of hating queer people. 7 months ago
It’s not a war, it’s a safari.
I mean, other than surveillance and control, this allows them to feel their power. 7 months ago
Going after the low hanging fruit are thry? 7 months ago
It’s a war on both, but especially on LGBTQ people. The fundamentalists are anti-porn in the same way that they are anti-sex in other ways, like opposing sex education.
But it is absolutely part of their strategy to define anything LGBTQ-related as sexual or pornographic, and therefore to criminalize any public visibility of LGBTQ people.