Comment on NCSoft president: "The games industry's evolution towards acceptance and diversity is ongoing" 7 months agoIntent does matter.
But the vast majority of complaints about a game being “woke” are just the inclusion of a character this a minority in some way. The complaint isn’t about how they’re included, just that they are, usually as a main or highly visible character. 7 months ago
I disagree… of course in countries like America you would have some outspoken actual racist n shit…
But the vast majority of people just don’t like casting for castings sake…
Nobody bitches about sigourney weaver in alien… nobody bitches about Denzel playing leading roles cos he’s black, calling it 'woke. ’
Why don’t people call that woke?
Because its obvious. When a project is hiring just to fill a quota, often…it is extremely obvious.
The vast vast vast majority of people don’t care what race, gender,sexuality you are, just as long as those things werent being taken into account when trying to get a job.
Yaknow… basic equal human rights stuff. 7 months ago
So if that’s all it’s about, why is there so much complaining about the race or gender of fictional characters in a video game? 7 months ago
I would imagine a whole myriad of different reasons, some rational and logical and some bigoted and dunse.
And not to mention, I have seen many many many comments upset about race focused casting (over talent, ability, suitability to the role etc) and then people ask 'why are you complaining about race of gender of a fictional character."
So… they think they commentor is being racist because they actually engage with the subject. 7 months ago
Because this whole woke bullshit is a recent gamergate thing of the past decade or so, especially after US politics became even nuttier and "conservatives" completely started to lose their plot.
And please. Just go into the Steam forums of a game that has for example a poc woman as main character, or uses body type A & B instead of "male" & "female". There's literally countless of examples of people completely losing their shit over games, movies and shows over the recent years. Hell, even in this very comment section here we see people who think they as a white man are apparently underrepresented nowadays. 7 months ago
Well yeah. The vast majority of people identify as male or female.
When the game goes to “body type A and body type B” they are erasing those people’s opportunity to feel represented in the game.
Diversity does not mean removing options for a person to feel represented.
This is an excellent example of where the concepts of “woke” and “diverse” not only differ but are in opposition to one another. 7 months ago
No, they're not. There literally was no option that got removed, just something changed to include more people than before.
But thanks for proving my point. Maybe I shouldn't have given the Cybertruck defender the benefit of the doubt here.