- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 19 hours ago:
Small size means a smaller battery. If they make the phone’s processor too powerful, the battery will run out in less than a day, and then everyone will be mad about that. There’s also less surface to dissipate heat.
Making things smaller is harder and more expensive, but people who want small phones don’t want to pay more than large phones.
- Comment on Nintendo applying for anti-Palworld patents in the US with a whopping 22 out of 23 rejected, but "they are fighting" 2 weeks ago:
I did, at launch. It was somewhat fun, and I didn’t regret my purchase. It’s pretty much exactly the game you expect, from the ads. That alone makes it noteworthy, IMO. :D
- Comment on Elon Musk will withdraw bid for OpenAI's nonprofit if its board agrees to terms | TechCrunch 2 weeks ago:
Ahh, financial blackmail. That makes a lot of sense for him.
- Comment on Relaxed factory automation sim Learning Factory 1.0 is out now 4 weeks ago:
Nice! I paid for early access and thought it had potential. Time to finally see how it turned out!
- Comment on Destiny 2 Has Lost Massive Amount Of Steam Players Since Last June 1 month ago:
Gee, I think that’s about the same time they decided that they community wanted more difficulty and made the decision to make the lowest levels of the game into bullet-sponges and to make no changes at all to the parts of the game that veteran players wanted more difficulty in.
Now it’s super grindy for veterans, and not fun for newbies. Exactly the opposite of what was wanted by all.
I am not at all surprised that people are quitting.
- Comment on Fallout creator asks why triple-A RPGs focus on violence, doesn't provide very hopeful answer 1 month ago:
I have another answer: It’s because true innovation is hard.
We have a ton of super-popular violent games to source ideas from for new games. We take an idea and modify it a little, and it’s fun.
We don’t have nearly as many super-popular non-violent games to source from. They exist, but there just aren’t as many of them, and they’re generally pretty “cozy” instead of pumping the adrenaline. Sports/racing games are an exception, but “non-violent” still depends on the exact sport and implementation. Many of them aren’t non-violent.
It’s the same reason that fantasy often still uses elves, trolls, and dwarves. They’re really easy to source from, and coming up with compelling new races that aren’t essentially the same as the tropes is hard.
Indies are into innovation. AAAs are into money.
- Comment on There’s No Dancing Around It: Apple’s Vision Pro Was An Ugly Dud 1 month ago:
No, because they weren’t for games and they pretty much had always-on video passthrough, which greatly reduces the chances of getting nausea.
- Comment on 'Stop talking s*** about us' - Half-Life 2 mod blacklists a handful of YouTubers as 'anticitizens' and blocks them from playing 2 months ago:
Yup. Feeding the trolls. Doomed to failure.
- Comment on We're losing our digital history. Can the Internet Archive save it? 5 months ago:
There’s a few things going on. At first blush, I agree with you. The vast majority of that stuff doesn’t need to be captured.
But if you don’t capture everything, how do you know you got the stuff that will be important or wanted in the future?
Also, historians are going to find that data to be an absolute gold mine. Unfortunately, a lot of it is in the form of video now and takes a ton of storage space.
I think, in the end, most people are not willing to pay the price to archive everything. But some are, and they’re doing it.
- Comment on YouTube to restrict teenagers’ exposure to videos about weight and fitness 5 months ago:
FTA: YouTube’s global head of health, Dr Garth Graham, said: “As a teen is developing thoughts about who they are and their own standards for themselves, repeated consumption of content featuring idealised standards that starts to shape an unrealistic internal standard could lead some to form negative beliefs about themselves.”
And while I’m sure this is true, this is a minority of people, and they should seek help for their problem. There are far more who benefit from hearing about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.
They should already be hearing that stuff from their parents and teachers, but I have my doubts. And they’re much more likely to listen to influencers than authority figures at certain ages.
But the whole thing is even more pointless. They’re mostly influenced by seeing these beautiful people constantly on TV, movies, and Youtube, and thinking that they don’t measure up to them. Simply stopping some health care videos is going to do nothing for the problem and only prevent videos with the information they need.
- Comment on Does your Duolingo app icon look sick? You're not alone 5 months ago:
I’m on the free trial of DL. It’s still this ugly icon.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 6 months ago:
I think that’s the point? They’re saying that those coders will turn into prompt engineers. They didn’t say they wouldn’t have a job, just that they wouldn’t be “coding”.
Which I don’t believe for a minute. I could see it eventually, but it’s not “2 years” away by any stretch of the imagination.
- Comment on Someone finally figured out a good use for NFTs: Peter Molyneux is using 'land' sales from his failed blockchain game to fund the development of his new project 6 months ago:
Besides the other games mentioned here, there’s also en.wikipedia.org/…/Curiosity:_What's_Inside_the_C… . Read the completion section to see just how bad it was.
- Comment on Masters of Albion trailer, an in development god game x colony builder hybrid with custom crafting recipes (food, armour), custom building design and an optiona third person combat from Peter Molyneux 6 months ago:
Back then, I think he has someone telling him “no” and filling out the rest of the game with sensible stuff.
Now, he just throws ideas at the wall (see en.wikipedia.org/…/Curiosity:_What's_Inside_the_C… ) and sees what sticks. Since he went on his own, he hasn’t fully delivered a single game, and the ideas are wacky at best and horrible at worst.
And unlike Hello Games, when Molyneux overpromises, he doesn’t spend years implementing every promised feature.
BTW, the exaggeration goes all the way back to Fable, the launch of which was plagued by lies that Molyneux and his team told about the state of the game and the features it would have. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great game, just that it wasn’t what he promised.
- Comment on Teens are making thousands by debating Trump vs. Harris on TikTok. 6 months ago:
Yeah. I recognize the bias and the need for clicks/eyeballs, and their motivations, and it applies to all of them. I generally expect someone telling me something to not be deceiving me, and I’m so often disappointed.
- Comment on In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past 6 months ago:
I haven’t tried to scaffold whole projects, but otherwise that lines up with my usage of AI copilots so far.
At this point, they’re good at helping you interface with the built in commands and maybe some specific APIs, but it won’t do your thinking for you. It just removes the need for some specific base-level knowledge.
- Comment on Apple is still standing in the way of Epic’s app store 6 months ago:
IIRC, they even have a rewards thing right now where you can get some free stuff for playing their games specifically on mobile, trying to draw more attention to their new store.
- Comment on Teens are making thousands by debating Trump vs. Harris on TikTok. 6 months ago:
This already happens with those comedy talk show hosts. They create rage-bait stories and spin them for good entertainment, and people think it’s an accurate look at the situation. I used to kind of enjoy them until one of them hit on a subject I had just researched and knew immediately how they were spinning it. I can’t stand them now.
So while this is a concern, it’s one that’s already being done on a much larger scale with people who feel a lot more trustworthy. I’m not really worried about some kids that are also doing it.
- Comment on Elon Musk loses fight with ex-Twitter staffer, must pay $600K 6 months ago:
I have never worked there (or any other major tech company) but if I had a job there, I wouldn’t give it up until I’d found another job. Perhaps the people there aren’t going crazy at the job hunt and still just haven’t found another job they want.
It’s really easy to think “all the layoffs are over and I made it” and “job hunting is painful, I don’t want to do it today” and just coast for a long time.
I’m sure every awful thing he does spurs another effort for job hunting, but unless the job actually makes them work harder or fires them, it probably doesn’t change much for them.
Also, they get paid a lot more than I do, and sometimes it’s worth the pain to keep raking in that cash.
- Comment on Patreon: adding Apple’s 30 percent tax is the price of staying in the App Store 6 months ago:
Close. They want a cut from all users that use the Patreon IOS app. Since they can’t quite stretch that far, they’re insisting that Apple IAP functionality be built into the app and it be offered to the users. And as before, they can’t tell the users that it’s cheaper, or even available, elsewhere.
- Comment on Well that's a $70 fuck up... 6 months ago:
I think this happened to me as well. I had something pop my FEP film, and I replaced it, and tried a couple prints, but really didn’t like the whole resin experience, so I sold my printer.
When the buyer got it home, he told me the screen was cracked. We weren’t sure whether it happened in transit or not, and I’d given him a pretty great price on the thing with a washing machine and a ton of resin, so he decided he didn’t want any money back.
After learning more about resin printers since then, I now it this was my fault and I feel bad about it. Either way, I’ve definitely learned to check the major components before buying or selling something.
- Comment on SAG-AFTRA Calls Strike Against Major Video Game Companies After Nearly 2 Years Of Contract Talks 7 months ago:
Right, which is why it’s put to a vote so that the members themselves can make that call. And that’s why I think the vote was a year ago with a contract that was probably quite a bit different.
I clearly don’t know the details and they do, but from the outside, it looks weird.
- Comment on SAG-AFTRA Calls Strike Against Major Video Game Companies After Nearly 2 Years Of Contract Talks 7 months ago:
It seems weird that the union can put up a vote for a strike against an agreement and then almost a year later actually call that strike into play. So many things have changed, and I’m sure that contract has changed a lot since then.
I’d love to know what the final piece says that they just can’t come to an agreement. It’s clearly about AI voice acting, but the detail matter.
- Comment on NCSoft president: "The games industry's evolution towards acceptance and diversity is ongoing" 7 months ago:
Intent does matter.
But the vast majority of complaints about a game being “woke” are just the inclusion of a character this a minority in some way. The complaint isn’t about how they’re included, just that they are, usually as a main or highly visible character.
- Comment on I liked Fusion 360, I like Onshape - but I'd rather like something that I won't lose over the whims of one company. So, what? 8 months ago:
People have been trying to make Blender have some basic CAD functionality, but it’s just not there yet.
I admit I haven’t tried www.cadsketcher.com with it yet, though.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
Perhaps. Or perhaps they’re a giant behemoth where 1 hand doesn’t know what the other is doing, and the person with the authority for this hasn’t bothered.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
They delisted them before they announced that they wouldn’t require accounts after all.
- Comment on I designed a 3D Printable e-reader case for Kobo's newest E-Readers 9 months ago:
I bought the Kobo Libra Color and I love it so far. Previously I’ve had various Kindles and a Meeebook P78, and I like the Kobo a lot better so far. And I’m still just using it for B&W books at the moment.
The color is pretty faded, as you’d expect from e-ink. But I do enjoy that the book covers are in color.
I was actually hoping this was going to be a cover for my model, but oh well. :)
- Comment on Favourite controllers 9 months ago:
Gamesir T4 Kaleid. I love the hall effect joysticks, and it feels like it’s the right size. The one negative is that it’s wired-only.
OTOH, the GameSir Nova (not lite) is hot garbage. I hate almost everything about it, and its wireless PC connection (without the dongle that it does not come with) is trash. It’s basically only good as a Switch controller… And I haven’t even actually tried it for that.
The GameSir Nova Lite is much better, but still too small and you need to use the slightly-older 4200 firmware (from the official app) instead of the latest, because they got stupid about things.
I somewhat like the Xbox Elite controller, but you have to get a good one. A bad one will have really crappy triggers that sometimes won’t work. I think I’ve even heard that the sticks are sometimes wonky. And it’s not hall effect.
- Comment on Resin Printing: Good for a Beginner with Limited Space? 9 months ago:
I have plenty of space, and I still sold off my resin printer because of fumes, mess, and general headaches. I don’t recommend it if you aren’t fully prepared for what it requires to do it safely and sanely.