As someone who’s extremely left leaning, it’s so goddamn infuriating, because there are so many pro-gun Dem leaning voters that wind up voting ® down the ticket, almost solely because the Democratic candidate went on an idiotic speech about AK-15s and their 30 caliber per second clipazines. It’s not like the anti-gun Dems they’re pandering to are going to vote Republican because the Democratic candidate said nothing about guns during their campaign.
It’s literally one single issue that the Dems could just not say a word about. Literally, no work involved. No campaigning, canvassing, or fundraising. Just don’t bring it up, and it would massively improve their odds in some of the most critical swing states. But no, they just have to virtue signal to the areas that are basically ultramarine blue, and it fucks them over every goddamn time. 7 months ago
Yep there are a lot of Republican single issue voters, guns rights and abortion bans are two of those issues. 7 months ago
They should just all campaign on “read my lips: no new gun reforms” just to get the votes 7 months ago
Like they want to win. Seriously all they need to say they will be focusing on abortion rights and drop gun restrictions for the time being and bam win.