Had mine done through the NHS. Basically two questions, “do you have children already” and “how long since your last child was born?”.
If you haven’t had kids yet, you just need to explain why you want a vasectomy, usually with a specialist. If your last child was born less than two months ago, they want you to wait (apparently a lot of men’s first reaction to the realities of having a baby is to try to ensure it won’t happen again).
meco03211@lemmy.world 7 months ago
When I broached the subject with my doctor he asked how many kids I have. I said 0. He seemed to have more of a personal reaction as if a friend had said that and he started to push back ever so slightly saying something like “but kids are great”. I just responded matter of factly that that shouldn’t matter. He instantly snapped out of it and back to doctor mode, apologized, and set up the referral. I was snipped inside a month with not another whisper of hesitancy from anyone.