Incredibly well-put. IP is just land for the wannabe landlords of information and culture.
They are just attempting to squeeze the working class dry, take the last freedoms we have so we have to use their corporate products.
Comment on The AI-focused COPIED Act would make removing digital watermarks illegal 7 months ago
If you put something on the Internet you are giving up ownership of it. This is reality and companies taking advantage of this for AI have already proven this is true.
You are not going to be able to put the cat back in the bag. The whole concept of ownership over art, ideas, and our very culture was always ridiculous.
It is past time to do away with the joke of the legal framework we call IP law. It is merely a tool for monied interests to extract more obscene profit from our culture at this point.
There is only one way forward and that is sweeping privacy protections. No more data collection, no more targeted advertising, no more dark patterns. The problems is corporations are not going to let that happen without a fight.
Incredibly well-put. IP is just land for the wannabe landlords of information and culture.
They are just attempting to squeeze the working class dry, take the last freedoms we have so we have to use their corporate products. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Which cultures are you referring to? 7 months ago
Fakelandia it is on a continent that you probably haven’t heard of. 7 months ago
Yeah in theory but in practice that isn’t happening. In theory the laws could be structured such that creatives are being paid fairly and distributors make some money and that the general public knows the stuff will be public domain in a relatively short period of time.
No one is doing it and they had hundreds of years to figure out how to do it. You are asking us to take it on faith and I personally will not.