Financially stupid is an relative to someone’s financial situation and their level of obsession with Neo Geo. Also it’s $1,893 against the current extremely favorable exchange rate.
No, I’m not gonna buy it. Just saying.
Comment on Rare Neo Geo Glass Cleaner Up for Auction at 300,000 Yen | Retro Gaming News 24/7 7 months ago
~$3000 for a bottle of chemicals that are probably all dried up or separated from each other in a bottle with a brand name on it? I mean, they do say a sucker is born every day. I can see where maybe someone will eventually pay that, but I think that is a financially stupid choice.
Financially stupid is an relative to someone’s financial situation and their level of obsession with Neo Geo. Also it’s $1,893 against the current extremely favorable exchange rate.
No, I’m not gonna buy it. Just saying. 7 months ago
Financially stupid? I guess, but that applies to almost all collectibles. It’s not financially stupid if you’re a multi-millionaire. So does paying to go out for a meal when it’s cheaper to cook at home, but people still do it because they enjoy it. 7 months ago
Even for a collector there’s a big difference between a rare game and a rare barely-related bit of paraphernalia