As someone who bought one recently (past yearish) there’s several things:
The charger network: Superchargers are so much more plentiful than the alternatives, and there’s still not a great central charging app. I have 3 different ones installed on my phone and honestly most of them suck besides Tesla’s. Non-tesla chargers are basically just at apartments, businesses, and malls. Very few of which actually help me
Autopilot: when used within reason it’s a great feature. I use it in clear weather conditions for highway driving which probably covers 75% of my total time driving. In the optimal environment it feels much safer than a human and the (admittedly biased) data seems to back that up. Also having it commute for you in stop and go traffic is a huge game changer
Tesla is an all electric car company. I don’t necessarily trust other big auto companies to continue supporting electric, and to keep supporting specific electric models. We’ve already seen major auto manufacturers drop a charging standard (which is probably better for Americans) but what’s to stop them from doing it again? What stops them from stopping support for a specific model and running out of parts for it? I don’t expect an all electric car company with 5 models to do that
Yes, Elon is a massive piece of shit. You know who else is? Every auto exec. The only difference is that they’re quiet and effective. Those old money fucks have done so much more harm to our planet because they know how to influence politics effectively. Something something, ethical consumption, something, something, capitalism
Overall I got a mid-price electric car with a decent set of features. I’m relatively happy with my purchase while understanding the clear limitations of it 7 months ago
I just wanted to thank you for your reply. It was so well written and easily digested I feel like I got hours worth of research out of it. God bless Lemmy.
My 2 cents (more like $2 now that I wrote it) is that no car made in the past 20 years can be maintained to the degree older cars could, and electric cars will suffer from the same ephemeral lifespan as all modern autos do. Electric or not, makers will continue to abandon vehicle platforms regularly and aggressively in order to ensure no single component or technology becomes affordable or obtainable outside of a manufacturer-sponsored limited warranty plan. And they will lobby against our attempts to extend the service life of electric drivetrains in the name of safety or design secrecy. 7 months ago
Oh your battery still working at 1 million miles? Sorry we don’t make your seats or dash anymore. 7 months ago
I’ll carve a dash from a tree and craft seats from junk, but when they stop supporting the software, then you’re super fucked. I love my Model Y, but I hope every day to see news that someone has jailbroken it and is working on an open OS for it. 7 months ago
This is actually something I’m paying attention to: Which EVs get hacked and fossed.
I’m hoping the 40KWH zoes get done soon.