Comment on Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin Town 7 months ago
I’m no bitcoin mining apologist for sure but this is just crap journalism. There’s a story like this for all kinds of industries in small towns with poor health. There are lots of industries that noise pollute (a lot of people live near airports) and I’m all for reasonable regulations to limit noise pollution, but this has boogeyman tinfoil hat nonsense all over it. 7 months ago
Yeah while I don’t doubt that noise pollution can affect one’s health I can’t hep but wonder how much of this is just the placebo effect, like with people complaining that 5G towers are giving them migranes. 7 months ago
You’re thinking of the nocebo effect. Placebo is positive. Nocebo is negative. 7 months ago
Ok, but that’s a drum that is you are going to wear thin beating. 7 months ago
What, why? I’ve never heard anyone call a negative effect a placebo effect before in my life, and the people I’ve told about the nocebo effect have all been just as glad as me that we finally have a word to describe the opposite of placebo. 7 months ago
I lived next to a cell phone tower and I can tell you it certainly shriveled up my penis, so there’s that. If Time wants to run an article about it I’d be happy to talk to them or show them pictures or let them talk to people on my tindr about it. I’m sure it’s happened to a lot of people.