Ai devinetively has its use cases and boosts productivity if used right. The stuff google did is just the most bullshit ever seen. Its an example of useless Ai because of the “need” to use Ai.
I don’t know if lemmians (lemmings?) live in the same world I live in; I find AI a HUGE productivity boost, in search, writing, generation, research.
Of course one has to check results carefully, it won’t remove the need for quality checks and doing stuff yourself. But as a sparring partner, an idea creator and an assistant, I am convinced people who make use of Claude/GPT etc will outperform people who don’t by a wide margin. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Ok that we agree entirely. Google is worried that their investors will worry because their investors are too dumb to understand that LLMs and Search are two separate things and one isn’t necessarily better because it uses the other. 7 months ago
How can you trust whatever you search for after the glue on pizza thing? 7 months ago
You’re confusing what I said as being about search. 7 months ago
No, I’m just addressing the search part. How can you trust it? 7 months ago
I’m not saying I can. I don’t use Google, haven’t for years, so can’t make statements about the quality of its search. Intuitively search isn’t benefitting from the use of AI. 7 months ago
that’s gonna be mighty useful when we’ve destroyed the planet. Also, you are not working with AI. You are working with a LLM. 7 months ago
Against bunker oil shipping, coal power plants, diesel cars, cement, our consumable appetite for plastic, gas and oil based heating, air travel, cooling buildings to 19 C when the outside is 38 C, ammonia based fertiliser, fast fashion, maintaining perfect green lawns in desert environments, driving monster trucks with one passengers on 18-lane highways, dismantling public transport, building glass skyscrapers with no external shade, buying new TVs every second year etc etc I think AI’s reputation as a carbon emitter, especially considering most of Azure, CG and AWS runs on renewables, is overblown and used as a battering ram in a larger battle that comes from very real concerns about how AI is changing our society. 7 months ago
most of Azure, CG and AWS runs on renewables
Yeah definitely believing that 7 months ago
- if each of those contributors to wrecking our planet points to the other causes as a justification to not limit their own damage, we’re fucked
- it’s not AI. It’s large language models. Glorified statistical text prediction without any originality. It just appears to some naive humans as original because it regurgitates ideas to them that other people have had but they just hadn’t heard before
- despite the misnaming, I agree that there’s a real concern that it makes the majority of users even more stupid than mankind on average already is :/ 7 months ago
It’s more that there is a vocal minority against it. I’d guess most of us are mostly neutral about it, we see the problems and the benefits but don’t see the need to comment everywhere about it. 7 months ago
I find LLM’s to be entirely worthless in any kind of engineering analysis or scientific reference. It has done nothing but hinder the design process and we have moved entirely away from it as it’s a complete joke.
We will enter another AI winter soon enough.