If you had a preference for dark hair and many dark haired women were going blonde you might be disappointed in a general decrease in women who met your ideal aesthetic. If you aren’t shallow or are shallow but aren’t a beautiful rich Adonis you probably aren’t turning down any dates based on such criteria but mathematically trends which run contra to preference mean a decrease in average fitness according to your own accounting.
Imagine if a huge portion of men were really into boy bands and mullets. The trend would mean that if you selected men based on other more meaningful criteria like financial stability and emotional maturity that you have an increasing chance of a mullet in your future. As critical mullet mass approaches you may feel disappointed at the popularity of the trend.
ameancow@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Are you not a native English speaker? Do you understand that people can give opinions and critique of things they don’t like without it meaning an expectation that someone is going to DO something for them? You immediately made some random, innocuous comment about someone’s aesthetic tastes into an issue about entitlement and I assume implications about sex? Don’t you get how fucking weird that is? It betrays something on YOUR mind specifically that nobody here is talking about.
Do you think people shouldn’t have fashion choices? Do you think humans can’t or should not have feelings about things? Every comment you make here just makes it weirder.
LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 months ago
He used the word dissappontment holy shit do you not know what the word means??
He used that word I’m no fucking misinterpreting him lmao
I never said people shouldn’t have opinions on fashion choices omfg I was literally calling out his framing of that opinion 😂 yall are tripping omg haha
ASeriesOfPoorChoices@lemmy.world 8 months ago
you don’t like that he doesn’t like piercings? You sound fragile.
LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 months ago
That’s not what I said. I questioned why he said he is disappointed with what random women are doing with their bodies. I can paste the definition of the word here if you don’t know what it means.
LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 months ago
disappointed dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd
Here saved you a Google search lmao 😂
ameancow@lemmy.world 8 months ago
What is your point? Did a billboard with the word “disappointment” fall on your great uncle and kill him?
LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 months ago
No I’m saying that using that term implies an expectation for those women that they are failing to meet. I am asking why he has an expectation for random women to not get those piercings. Re-read my comment omg 🙄