chemical storage closet at work…A hydrogen chloride container leaked out onto some iodine containers.
Yep, sounds like a typical day on a typical family farm
Comment on Just Plain Terrifying 8 months agoThis is the family farm. I AM THE OSHA
chemical storage closet at work…A hydrogen chloride container leaked out onto some iodine containers.
Yep, sounds like a typical day on a typical family farm
My dad was a farmer. I AM AN ORPHAN.
Mike Rowe: oCEaN!
(hold for laughter and applause)
Mike can fuck right off.
Can, should, and hopefully will. His charming smile and faux-liberal persona on dirty jobs did insurmountable damage to worker’s rights by slow-walking the youth to believing that safety and unions only slow down otherwise reasonable progress.
There should be one-episode reboot where Mike gets to perform blue collar tasks with machinery that’s missing all legally required safety labels and fail-safes. Then he’s only given a description of what he’s supposed to accomplish with zero earnings or regulations. At the end of the episode, Mike and whatever pieces of him that remain gets to receive their paycheck after all debts are settled at the company store. That final amount is what he gets to use for rent and food for the week.
Let’s see what peripety the ground beef version of Mike Rowe finds in his anagnorisis of promoting the death and dismemberment of his own fan base. 8 months ago