Note that the deer head and antler aesthetic is based on a number of depictions of w*ndigo that have gained popularity among white audiences and been heavily criticised for cultural appropriation.
“Cultural apropration” is a nothing burger championed by people who often have no ties to the culture that they claim needs their protecting. A white man speaking for indigenous american culture does not give indigenous americans more of a voice, it takes their voice away by revoking their ability to speak for themselves.
There’s nothing wrong in speaking out for other groups for as long as it actually corresponds to the current needs of people inside the group, as defined by themselves.
This is what being an ally is all about.
But yes, one should better consult people on what they ask for in the first place.
I dunno mate, seems like I’m the only one in this thread who actually has a source from a native american. talks a big game about respecting native americans and elevating their voices, while denying the existence of the issues they care about and talking over them. Maybe Vtyle should try listening to the people they claim to represent instead of deciding what indigenous people think for them. 8 months ago
Note that the deer head and antler aesthetic is based on a number of depictions of w*ndigo that have gained popularity among white audiences and been heavily criticised for cultural appropriation. 8 months ago
“Cultural apropration” is a nothing burger championed by people who often have no ties to the culture that they claim needs their protecting. A white man speaking for indigenous american culture does not give indigenous americans more of a voice, it takes their voice away by revoking their ability to speak for themselves. 8 months ago
There’s nothing wrong in speaking out for other groups for as long as it actually corresponds to the current needs of people inside the group, as defined by themselves.
This is what being an ally is all about.
But yes, one should better consult people on what they ask for in the first place. 8 months ago
I dunno mate, seems like I’m the only one in this thread who actually has a source from a native american. talks a big game about respecting native americans and elevating their voices, while denying the existence of the issues they care about and talking over them. Maybe Vtyle should try listening to the people they claim to represent instead of deciding what indigenous people think for them. 8 months ago
And here’s a native american person saying not to culturally appropriate the w*ndigo: ……/no-longer-taking-questions-involvin… 8 months ago
This comment should be deleted too. 8 months ago