You never know what the market is going to do, but all the math their cards can do has plenty of real world value with or without LLMs. If they do dip heavily when people recognize how limited LLMs are, you’d probably make more money more reliably by buying their stock at a discount.
Comment on How Nvidia became an AI giant 8 months ago
The person who correctly guesses when the AI bubble is gonna pop and shorts Nvidia stock is gonna make a lot of money. Call it The Big Short 2: Electric Boogaloo. 8 months ago 8 months ago
The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent 8 months ago
I don’t know about that… AI is a real bubble, but Nvidia is still doing what they always do: matrix and vectorial operations. That’s needed with or without AI 8 months ago
Nvidia makes a real product. An AI bubble might hurt them but probably not the same as the companies who have been buying their product.