- Comment on garlic 3 weeks ago:
If you’ve never had the Indian soda Thums Up, it’s remotely like this. It tastes like Coke spiced with ginger and similar spices. It’s actually pretty good.
- Comment on motherfu.... 3 weeks ago:
Hell yeah brother that’s where all the cool people are going
- Comment on motherfu.... 3 weeks ago:
Pfft, you think you’re going to heaven.
- Comment on xkcd #3032: Skew-T Log-P 1 month ago:
I feel like he missed an opportunity to sneak in Saddam Hussein.
- Comment on Valve set Palworld back as Steam Deck Playable but with multiple listed problems 1 month ago:
Called it:
- Comment on While Palworld enjoys a resurgence Valve dropped the rating to Steam Deck Unsupported 1 month ago:
If it was only a performance issue I’d expect it to remain at Playable. Plenty of Verified titles guzzle battery and get barely more than 30 FPS at minimum settings.
Unsupported is generally for games that literally won’t run, often because they have DRM or anti-cheat that isn’t compatible with Proton.
I feel like this may have been a mistake on Valve’s part.
- Comment on Riot Games is cracking down on players’ off-platform conduct 2 months ago:
Anyone remember this?…/sirfoch-wargaming-hate-speech
Different publisher ofc, but I can totally see Riot using this as carte blanche to censor any streamer whose statements they disagree with, especially ones critical of their games.
- Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago:
Oh yeah, that crab could definitely get it
- Comment on Colours of Blood 3 months ago:
Chlorocruorin is really confusingly named. I was trying and failing to find the chlorine in it and was wondering if I was just dumb or blind or what.
khloros is Greek for “green”. That’s also where chlorine gets its name. So they’re only related etymologically.
- Comment on Former Intel CPU engineer details how internal x86-64 efforts were suppressed prior to AMD64's success 4 months ago:
so they wanted to sell Itanium for servers, and keep the x86 for personal computers.
That’s still complacency. They assumed consumers would never want to run workloads capable of using more than 4 GiB of address space.
Sure, they’d already implemented physical address extension, but that just allowed the OS itself to address more memory by enlarging the page table. It didn’t increase the virtual address space available to applications.
The application didn’t necessarily need to use 4 GiB of RAM to hit those limitations, either. Dylibs, memmapped files, thread stacks, various paging tricks, all eat up the available address space without needing to be resident in RAM.
- Comment on Former Intel CPU engineer details how internal x86-64 efforts were suppressed prior to AMD64's success 4 months ago:
Their last few generations of flagship GPUs have been pretty underwhelming but at least they existed. I’d been hoping for a while that they’d actually come up with something to give Nvidia’s xx80 Ti/xx90 a run for their money. I wasn’t really interested in switching teams just to be capped at the equivalent performance of a xx70 for $100-200 more.
- Comment on Former Intel CPU engineer details how internal x86-64 efforts were suppressed prior to AMD64's success 4 months ago:
This highlights really well the importance of competition. Lack of competition results in complacency and stagnation.
It’s also why I’m incredibly worried about AMD giving up on enthusiast graphics. I have very few hopes in Intel ARC.
- Comment on Explains a lot... 4 months ago:
Plants: develop hard pericarps for their seeds to survive animals’ digestive tracts
This beetle: G O T T A G O F A S T
- Comment on Cloud Imperium quietly steal Star Citizen developers' weekends from under them with mandated overtime in the lead up to Citizencon 4 months ago:
What’s the point? It’s not like the people who still put money into this scam are going to be turned off by yet more undelivered promises.
- Comment on Authorities hack cryptocurrency seed phrase 4 months ago:
Most likely written down somewhere. The seed phrase is the backup method of storing a private key to a crypto wallet. You’re supposed to put it somewhere safe as a way to recover the wallet if the normal way to access it (a software app or a hardware device) fails.
Brute-forcing a full 12 or 24 word phrase would take centuries to millennia, so there’s only a few possibilities:
- They just found the full phrase written on a card in a safe somewhere, in which “deciphering” it is as simple as typing it into a fucking wallet app;
- He was smart enough to split the phrase up and keep different parts of it in different places, so they might have had to brute-force part of it;
- They found a hardware wallet and hacked into it to recover the phrase;
- (exceedingly unlikely) they figured out that the random number generator he used to generate the phrase was broken and had predictable output patterns.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
Yeah, it can be really helpful to understand the context and the problems they were trying to solve.
Like for example, I think a lot of pop-sci talk about Special/General Relativity is missing huge chunks of context, because in reality, Einstein didn’t come up with these theories out of thin air. His breakthrough was creating a coherent framework out of decades of theoretical and experimental work from the scientists that came before him.
And the Einstein Field Equations really didn’t answer much on their own, they just posed more questions. It wasn’t until people started to find concrete solutions for them that we really understood just how powerful they were.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
Trying to teach yourself higher math without a textbook is nearly impossible.
You could try just Googling all the Greek letters and symbols but have fun sifting through the hundred-odd uses of σ for the one that’s relevant to your context. And good fucking luck if it’s baked into an image.
The quickest way I’ve gotten an intuition for a lot of higher math things was seeing it implemented in a programming language.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
I understood about 45% of that, and I also hate them.
- Comment on I miss Adam West... 5 months ago:
It takes a real class-act to happily play a parody of himself.
He was a true American treasure.
- Comment on Microsoft embraces more open standards with DirectX 12 adopting SPIR-V 5 months ago:
When I was gaming on Windows, the DirectX 12 implementation in every game I tried was kinda garbage.
It usually either would just perform bad in general, or just have really bad input lag.
The first thing I’d try whenever I had problems was switching the renderer to DirectX 11, and that would often fix things.
In fairness, Vulkan implementations have been pretty hit-and-miss too. I think developers still just need to get used to the new execution model.
This also was on Nvidia graphics, which may or may not have had something to do with it.
- Comment on The next Battlefield is a return to the "peak era" of Battlefields 3 and 4, with a modern setting and smaller headcounts 5 months ago:
Despite a rocky launch, I ended up playing a fuckton of Battlefield 4.
And Battlefield 1, while not historically accurate in the slightest, was actually a nice breath of fresh air, and a setting that hasn’t been covered nearly as much in popular media as other 20th century wars (with possibly the exception of Korea). It’s actually one of my favorites.
Battlefield 5 just felt so… bland by comparison. They tried to change too many systems, and ended up making just a completely milquetoast game. Really disappointing for what should have been a triumphant return to the series’ roots.
Battlefield 2042 had no soul whatsoever, and some of the worst designed maps in a Battlefield game I’ve ever seen.
One of the maps that was available in the beta that I played was literally just a giant fucking field with hardly any cover and a hundred-foot wall for the enemy snipers to stand on top of and pick off attackers one by one. I really wish I could have been in the meeting room when they were workshopping that map, because I wanna know exactly what the fuck they were smoking to think that it would be any fun at all to play.
I’d honestly welcome a return to formula here if it means another game like BF4 or BF1, even if most players don’t consider that “classic” Battlefield.
- Comment on Ford seeks patent for tech that listens to driver conversations to serve ads 5 months ago:
Car manufacturers have brilliantly managed to convince me never to buy a car made after ~2015.
- Comment on Steam Beta adds new shortcut key to save a clip of recent gameplay 5 months ago:
Your opinion is posited as an absolute: “This is useless”
That’s not even correct. I said “not all that useful” and then “next to useless”. Never “absolutely useless”.
The whole point of this feature is to provide something built into Steam that works without a whole bunch of fiddling like other recording software. It currently fails at that on Linux because the implementation of it is half-assed. That is my position. End of conversation.
- Comment on Steam Beta adds new shortcut key to save a clip of recent gameplay 5 months ago:
I see this as a substitute for Shadowplay, which records your microphone if you enable it, which I previously used on Windows to record gameplay clips, but it doesn’t exist on Linux.
Steam Game Recording can record your microphone on Windows, but they haven’t bothered to make it work on Linux for whatever reason.
As currently implemented on Linux, it captures all system audio and cannot be configured to do anything otherwise, so if you’re talking with friends on TeamSpeak, it’ll only capture half of the fucking conversation. Making it next to useless.
I’m getting really annoyed that people are going out of their way to invalidate my opinion here.
- Comment on Qanga is an indie Star Citizen in a seamless universe with no loading screens 5 months ago:
From the article:
IolaCorp Studio consist of just five developers, although the impressiveness of the project is somewhat soured by their disclosure of AI-generated voice acting and music, so just something to be aware of going in.
- Comment on I'M ABOUT TO BEAM 5 months ago:
Don’t show them this, it’ll shatter their reality
- Comment on Steam Beta adds new shortcut key to save a clip of recent gameplay 5 months ago:
I do post footage to YouTube, some publicly and some privately because my friends and I actually enjoy our time together and want to remember the best moments.
The fact you think that’s cringe just makes me feel sorry for you.
- Comment on Steam Beta adds new shortcut key to save a clip of recent gameplay 5 months ago:
For those of us who actually have friends to play with, we like to be able to record banter.
- Comment on Steam Beta adds new shortcut key to save a clip of recent gameplay 5 months ago:
Sadly not all that useful on Linux because it doesn’t record your microphone.
- Comment on Caterpillar the Elder 5 months ago:
Ffs, are the Danish getting uppity again? It’s been a quiet few hundred years