to an average user, using ubuntu gives hipster vibes, using most other distros gives neckbeard vibes 9 months ago
[deleted] 9 months ago 9 months ago
That’s assuming their eyes don’t just glaze over from a lack of understanding what you’re on about. 9 months ago
Yeah, that’s the point 9 months ago 9 months ago
Hey man idk why you’re being so hostile to people responding to you, but it is the point OP is making. They’re saying that ANY Linux distro, including Ubuntu, are seen as ‘hipsters’ to average PC users, but within the Linux community Ubuntu is very basic AKA not hipster.
Off the top of my head, the easiest analogy is that having your favorite song be Creep by Radiohead might be seen as kinda alternative/hipster to someone who listens to pop music, but to anyone in the indie community or radiohead fans, it’s seen as the opposite.