Why would Valve delist a game? Can you elaborate on what kind of speculation was made?
Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve
Kroxx@lemm.ee 9 months agoThere was a lot of speculation and no confirmation, this is confirmation
Donut@leminal.space 9 months ago
Kroxx@lemm.ee 9 months ago
The idea was that the weekend of the review bombing AH and Sony weren’t communicating a lot/ didn’t have a plan for countries where the game was already sold but could no longer be played.
So it was speculated that Valve might have pulled sales because they wanted to protect themselves from any legal repercussions, while all the dust settled. At the very least it would look like they tried to do something if it ever went to court.
It made sense to me but I live in the US. If you break into someones house here and hurt yourself, the homeowner is liable legally even though the criminal was breaking and entering into the homeowners home. The country is so sue happy that many companies are very proactive on legal matters.
RedditWanderer@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Any articles for this speculation or uncertainty? Because that’s also something Valve would be quick to shut down and point to Sony, legally.
Or is this all reddit threads?
Kroxx@lemm.ee 9 months ago
Nope that’s why I used the phrases “the idea was” and “speculated”
Katana314@lemmy.world 9 months ago
No, YOU’RE the one claiming speculation. The null statement is “Without a PR statement, we don’t know who delisted the game”. The speculation was “We believe Sony delisted it.” It just means he’s not satisfied by any evidence in place. You don’t demand sources to make someone disprove a speculative.
Kroxx@lemm.ee 9 months ago
The idea was that the weekend of the review bombing AH and Sony weren’t communicating a lot/ didn’t have a plan for countries where the game was already sold but could no longer be played.
So it was speculated that Valve might have pulled sales because they wanted to protect themselves from any legal repercussions, while all the dust settled. At the very least it would look like they tried to do something if it ever went to court.
It made sense to me but I live in the US. If you break into someones house here and hurt yourself, the homeowner is liable legally even though the criminal was breaking and entering into the homeowners home. The country is so sue happy that many companies are very proactive on legal matters.
RedditWanderer@lemmy.world 9 months ago
There’s been confirmation for 7 days.
This is steams change list. This is a developer update.
The “speculation” was just clickbait. There are multiple articles confirming it over the last week.
Kroxx@lemm.ee 9 months ago
The steamdb change doesn’t list the reason why, doesn’t confirm if it was a push on Sony’s or Valve’s end just that a change occurred
RedditWanderer@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Steam doesn’t push changelists from developer accounts, and especially not without making a major announcement. This is why all the reporting on this has been clear AH delisted it. There are countless articles confirming this days ago.
Kroxx@lemm.ee 9 months ago
So this article states " Sony delisted it" with no references to official announcements. I personally have been waiting on something directly from steam or Sony and to me the steam response satisfies this enough.