You mean you haven’t seen it in the featured/recommended games on the store page literally every time you open steam?
Cause I have. That’s the only reason I’ve heard of this game, but I’ve never looked into it.
Comment on V Rising has launched out of Early Access! 9 months ago
Not paying much attention to early access titles didn’t pay off here. I was unaware of the game until today, and would like to play it, but the dealbreaker is the price; I would pay what they were charging during early access, but not the current price. Guess I’m waiting for a sale, though that means I’ll very likely just forget it exists again.
You mean you haven’t seen it in the featured/recommended games on the store page literally every time you open steam?
Cause I have. That’s the only reason I’ve heard of this game, but I’ve never looked into it.
I have not, no. I don’t typically open the store page unless I have a specific goal in mind, in which case I do my business directly, and then leave the page. 9 months ago
$35 is a deal breaker? Your financial situation is your financial situation, but compared to the rest of the industry, this is cheap. 9 months ago
Without being able to try a demo, that price is more than I’m willing to pay for this, yes. 9 months ago
You might be able to try a “demo” of v rising before you buy… 9 months ago
Appreciate it. I actually found that out earlier today, and I gave it a shot. Tried it for a bit and uninstalled it, but I now know for sure that I would pay $10-15 for it, and no more. 9 months ago
Ehh can’t speak the for the parent comment but I don’t like spending more than 15 quid on indies unless it’s something I really like the look of. Like I bought stray and kena full price but I haven’t bought this when I’m not a survival fan so not sure if I’ll enjoy it despite it seeming like a good game. 9 months ago
This game and the two you mentioned require what I would consider to be a very liberal definition of “indie”. 9 months ago
Lol no it’s not, tons of great games are like $25. This game doesn’t have enough to deserve a $35 price tag compared to the rest of the industry and I’m sure sales will reflect that. 9 months ago
It peaked today at just shy of 100k concurrent players following its successful early access period, with about 70k reviews, both of which are indicators that it’s selling extremely well, as well as taking the #4 spot on the top sellers list on Steam. 9 months ago
“Compared to the rest of the industry” is damning with faint praise.
I’d say most games are maybe worth $20, more only for the ones filled with content that you can replay many times. 9 months ago
Fortunately there are enough people who value them more than you, because most games, even moderately budgeted ones, wouldn’t be able to sustain themselves at that price. 9 months ago
“Moderately budgeted” compared to what? Modern AAA game budgets have absolutely exploded and are not sustainable, turning game dev cycles into 5+ year marathons and giving it Hollywood Syndrome where every game needs to be a blockbuster to be considered a success and no risks are able to be taken because of the massive investment each project requires. Do you think that’s sustainable? Or do you think that perhaps things have gone out of control when a $90 price point is being floated, even in conjunction with money printing anti-consumer features like lootboxes?