Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months agoNo. The bear choice is misandry clean and clear. The men who don’t like the idea of misandry are just reacting the same way as anyone when you give them a label and call them bad for it.
I’m sure there’s some bear people who are just cool with bears and whatnot or maybe would just rather be alone. 9 months ago
Nah, the choice is between a being that will likely leave you alone and one that likely won’t. Most people who aren’t seeking contact want to be left alone. Interestingly enough, most bears want to be left alone too. As people, we need to allow others the distance and boundaries they want. The best way to befriend someone is to make them feel comfortable around you. Space and respect are important.
If a woman prefers the bear, maybe consider treating her like one. Treat her with respect, don’t make sudden movements, give her space, don’t mess with her cubs, and don’t pressure her into going to a local bar with a really neat vibe.