Then there is the fact that if I was attacked by a bear, no one would tell me I was making it up. I wouldn’t be asked what I was wearing, if I was drunk, or what I had done to provoke the bear
They are wrong about the latter part. Whenever there’s a bear attack, I almost always hear someone asking “What the hell did that idiot do to piss off the bear?”.
- What you’re wearing depends on the scent it’s carrying. If your clothes smell like food, don’t go wandering around bear-infested woods.
- Drunk people fooling around with bears is far too common to be ignored as a question.
- Only people who’ve observed bears for a long period of time can accurately say what provokes a bear to attack and the ones I’ve asked have said that sometimes you’re just shit out of luck.
A bear encounter isn’t as clear cut as the text you’re quoting would like. Because they do avoid people normally, so meeting one means something is definitely wrong. Good luck figuring out what though. 10 months ago
Its a wild animal. A bear is no more predictable than a human.