Funny, visiting someone else’s university is where I saw that. It was a highly regarded liberal arts college in New England. Still, I’d call that super rare.
The bear thing seems a bit exaggerated. Not sure what hair color has to do with this
Funny, visiting someone else’s university is where I saw that. It was a highly regarded liberal arts college in New England. Still, I’d call that super rare.
The bear thing seems a bit exaggerated. Not sure what hair color has to do with this 9 months ago
I’m saying that the ultra left people you usually see with dyed hair are the people who advocate for multi gender washrooms, are the same people so loud on social media right now about how dangerous men are 9 months ago
Step outside of your house and take a walk around the block and enjoy the sunshine.
It sounds like right wing media has got you all worked up about nothing. 9 months ago
Well the issue I have with the question is I spend a lot of time in the wilderness, have had close encounters with actual bears
The question is triggering to me because 9 months ago
Being triggered by the question is perfectly reasonable. It was a dumb proposition that was insanely hyperbolic. Obviously, most men won’t attack women out of the blue and bears are objectively dangerous (it’s not like if you see one you’re dead but if you don’t respect the danger you’re an idiot).
I wouldn’t worry what this article implies and I wouldn’t take it personally because it’s dumb. I don’t know you but it’s unlikely you’re more dangerous to a woman than a bear… the author chose a really poor way to express themselves and you don’t have to let them define you.
Also, yea, it fucking sucks that so many women (people even, of both genders) are assaulted by men. We’ve got a really serious social problem and we need to work together to solve it. Hyperbolic accusations don’t help build that trust network - they just tear it down. 9 months ago
Bears are well known to start wars and possess nuclear warheads. 9 months ago
That is either untrue or you know like two women. It's super common for lone women to have strange encounters with random men.