Comment on Google lays off hundreds of 'Core' employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Let the death of the programming industry as a respectable professional job be a warning to centrist workers in other industries what happens when you don’t unionize and just assume your personal talent will always be rewarded by the ruling class.

It won’t.

Also let the rhetoric computer programmers use to defend the intrinsic value of their livelihood be a lesson to all of us. They talk in terms of raw productivity, in terms of securing a living wage through being more savvy than people who are dumb and take manual labor jobs. They speak about the threats of automation with COMPLETE confidence it will only be used by their bosses to create more jobs for people like them.

Finally, let it be a lesson that the confidence of programmers who look at AI/LLMs and think “they can never replace me with that, it would be a disaster” totally misses the point that it doesn’t matter to the ruling class of the tech world that *replacing tech worker jobs with shitty automation or vastly more underpaid workers” doesn’t need to actually work longterm to accomplish the primary goal of permanently devaluing and eroding the pride and hard fought professionalism of programming.

^ Programmer make a classic person-who-is-smart-at-computers mistake here of trying to understand business like it is a series of computer programs behaving rationally to efficiently earn money

I have met a nauseating amount of programmers who truly believe that tech companies would have to come crawling back to them if they fired tech workers in the industry en masse and everything began to break. What these programmers don’t understand is yeah, they will come back, but they will employ you from the perspective that you are an alternative to a worthless algorithm or vastly underpaid human. That change in perspective, that undercutting of the “prestige” of being a skilled programmer is permanent and will never revert.
