It’s sad to see the sequel get abandoned like this.
Especially when KSP has had such an active and vibrant community for a decade
Comment on Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome 10 months ago
I remember the first time I successfully landed on the moon and brought my kerbals back. It was one of my most cathartic experiences.
It’s sad to see the sequel get abandoned like this.
It’s sad to see the sequel get abandoned like this.
Especially when KSP has had such an active and vibrant community for a decade
I remember the heroic explorer Jebediah Kerman was on the way way back from the moon. The touchdown was flawless landing, the science was beyond value and the moment brought all the world together.
They had doubted sending Jeb but he silenced the doubters to low grumbles.
But then as the rockets were burning for the reentry burn and the orbit was decreasing, but the brain boxes had made a drastic mistake and undershot the fuel. A perfect mission and Kerbin’s greatest hero was potentially doomed all is a moment of low delta v.
He was so close. Getting nearer and nearer to home, but it wasn’t to be! Soon he was getting further and further away! Drifting into the darkness yet again.
The agency went into full swing immediately. How much food does he have, how much water, how much air!? How long until we have another rocket that can take off!? We only built one rocket there is no back up. Never before had a two kerbin rocket has ever been flown, never before had a rendezvous been attempted, never before had a rocket flown remotely. PR was there talking to the press was doing their best to save a near hopeless situation.
Then get this! I remember it like it was yesterday. Jeb wasn’t bothered at all. Out there all on his own he said he wanted to go on a space walk. It got approved knowing that he might as well enjoy his final moments before the highly likely death. But this is Jebediah Kerman we are on about now. Not for a moment did he believe he was going to die, he get out into space and begins to push the rocket using with his bare hands! The brain boxes can’t believe it!!! Its working. The orbit had done just enough to scrap the atmosphere. Jebediah was coming home! Only Jebediah. Even the doubters had to say of Jebediah, he was truly the greatest of all astronauts.
Okay I need a KSP blog about various (mis)adventures such as this!
The one an only Jebediah Kerman, my guy. 10 months ago
I actually was recording when I made the most gnarly mun landing ever in KSP. I ran out of fuel, was going to fast to not explode. I moved Valetina to hang on the outside of the craft, and moments before impact, I had her jump off. The resulting explosion from the module was juuuust enough counter force to prevent Valentina herself from hitting the ground too hard and she lived to plant a flag. To date, it’s the most impressive thing I’ve personally managed in the game. 10 months ago
You did that to recover her later, right? Right? 10 months ago
That’s the plan. We’re still working out how. How long can Kerbals live without food and water? 🤔 10 months ago
That reminds me Jedediah has been stranded on the Mun since around 2016, so I hope a long time hahahaha 10 months ago
Just watched. That was amazing.