You can just plug it with your finger, unless you’re going to tell me that cartoons are lying.
Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 10 months ago
Also fun fact - you can make a gun ineffective and safe just by welding shut its barel. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Ineffective, definitely.
Safe for the target, also maybe. Just depends on whether the exploding action and barrel throw shrapnel down range, or if you had a shitty weld. Guy holding it won’t have a good day, but could survive. Something something Kentucky ballistics.
Idk man, this plan is sounding pretty credible.
Wait, wrong community… 10 months ago
yeah a pretty credible way to defend yourself against your target 10 months ago
Read somewhere in an book that sometimes soldiers/aides tried to hurt/kill their officers my minimally reducing their barrel width mechanically when cleaning their pistols for them. Hard to detect and can fuck someone up good.
But while I can see how that would work in theory I don’t see how this could be done without someone noticing it and with the tools at their disposal.