Do you mean “the west” doesn’t support Biden?
When Joe Biden met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet during his visit to Israel, the U.S. president assured them: “I don’t believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist.”…/i-am-zionist-how-joe-bidens-lifelon…
I’d agree that most people planning on voting for him are really just voting against trump again.
But the sitting US president literally calls himself a Zionist… 10 months ago
“The west doesn’t support a Jewish state in Palestine, it supports the right for a Jewish state in Palestine to exist.”
Hmmm right. 10 months ago
If you call Palestine what British Empire called Palestine, which is the territory of modern Jordan, modern Palestine and Israel, that’s right, the West supports Israel (democratic state, by the way, where Arabs and Muslims have the same rights, as opposed theocracies or monarchies of surrounding countries) right to exist. The West does not support annexation of the occupied territories, and in general the West supports two state solution. And so is Biden. 10 months ago
While they Arab citizens of Israel are treated much better than non-citizens in Gaza, Golan Heights, and the West Bank (and arguably have better rights than even other Muslum states), they are still subject to systemic racism. Their political voice is actively surpressed, not surprising as a Zionist Israel cannot otherwise survive if Jews became a political minority within the country, which is another reason Arabs do not have the “Right to Return”. Here’s one source for you:…/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel 10 months ago
You know, I probably agree with all that, but when a person denies right of Israel to exists on the grounds that it is ethnostate, while obviously supporting the right of full Palestinian state to exist, I have to point to this hypocrisy. And it is not just that non-citizents of Gaza are treated worse than non-jews of Israel. Citizens of Gaza are treated worse (have less rights) than Arabs in Israel.
Same by the way goes for blaming Israel to be Zionist, and at the same time supporting Islamist goal of destroying Israel.
Do I personally defend and support Zionism? No. But for sure I support Islamism of Gaza government (Hamas) even less.