Comment on [Troubleshooting] It's the clog guy again - temp readings are bad!

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Yeah, I knew from the getgo that the IR thermometer was only gonna get me within a wide range of accuracy. (Hence resorting to more empirical testing like boiling water in the previous post, haha.) I was only using it initially to get an idea of where it was.

After posting yesterday I went out and got a high quality probe thermometer. I was actually lucky enough to get one who’s probe is the same O.D. as a Bowden tube, so it friction fits inside my hot end. It took a little while to find the exact spot in the probe that reads the temp, but I was able to dial it in last night to where both Klipper and my probe read exactly 200c. (Before adjusting anything, Klipper would read 200c, IR would read ~90-130, probe reads ~170.)

I’m not familiar enough with electrical components/ readings to determine anything myself, but I had a buddy over yesterday that was helping me out who went to school for the stuff and is very well versed with 3d printer diagnostics, and he verified that nothing on the board is reading out of the ordinary. I considered a new board, but the board I’m using currently is itself relatively new (just had the manufacturer send me a new one after the original died; new board has been working for ~2 months).
