Comment on [Troubleshooting] It's the clog guy again - temp readings are bad! ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

One word of caution re IR thermometers, the emissivity of the surface you’re aiming at is going to massively impact its reading. From earlier photos it looked like you have a nickel plated block, most IR thermometers are preset to expect a 0.95 emmisivity (1 being a perfect black body), bare metals tend to be closer to 0 with polished nickel being 0.05, oxidised being in the middle 0.5 ish. Why I mention this is unless you are adjusting the thermometer for the expected emissivity it will totally underreport the surface temperature.

Other thing to consider is that surface temp and midblock temps can differ, forced convection from fans will totally contribute to that. Definitely like your idea of an accurate prove thermometer, I’d be super wary of changing your pullup resistance base on the ir reading, could definitely have it way too warm. Short term, you could try running with a higher temp setting. Have you probed the pullup resistor on the board?

Some thought that I wish I had considered earlier, sudden failure with no warning would definitely point me at electrical stuff. Might be worth considering swapping to something like an skr mini which is super accessible and is drop in replacement more or less for something like a Rambo board.
