That implies that she was capable of multiple fucks simultaneously, and as anyone who’s attempted such would tell you: that ain’t happening. Only one fuck at a time, and all others are bonus; though the current fuck at any given moment could very well cycle throughout the options, it’s a matter of focused attention.
That’s not an answer, that merely denotes multiple fucks not multiple simultaneous fucks. And that’s without we get to the sticky topic of multiple penetration, if someone is fucking an orifice and someone is fucking a different orifice is the owner of the orifices having a single fuck or a double fuck? What about the penetrators, are they necessarily sharing the same fuck or merely sharing a fuckstress? 10 months ago
That implies that she was capable of multiple fucks simultaneously, and as anyone who’s attempted such would tell you: that ain’t happening. Only one fuck at a time, and all others are bonus; though the current fuck at any given moment could very well cycle throughout the options, it’s a matter of focused attention. 10 months ago
Given that she was literally a professional, I wouldn’t be so quick to doubt her skills and expertise. 10 months ago
While I’m a fan of your namesake, there is no evidence pointing to her “literal” profession. 10 months ago
The thing says the graffiti was written inside a brothel. I think it’s safe to assume a “fucktress” in a brothel is probably at work. 10 months ago
Why are the fucks in parallel rather than in series? 10 months ago
Pluralization. 10 months ago
That’s not an answer, that merely denotes multiple fucks not multiple simultaneous fucks. And that’s without we get to the sticky topic of multiple penetration, if someone is fucking an orifice and someone is fucking a different orifice is the owner of the orifices having a single fuck or a double fuck? What about the penetrators, are they necessarily sharing the same fuck or merely sharing a fuckstress? 10 months ago
I mean, people have more than one hole for a reason.