The usual. Hardware quality slowly goes to shit, company starts getting tricksy with consumers to make money instead of making quality product.
The big one was the BIOS update that nearly fried a lot of 670 motherboards that ASUS turned around and tried to avoid taking responsibility for, trying to pin issues on the consumer.
It’s capitalists being capitalists. Completely ruining their brand to squeeze out a short term 1% increase in revenue. 10 months ago
Puts out defective products then misleads consumers to think they have voided their warranty so they can’t get a replacement for said defective products.
There’s more too it but that’s the main thing that made people turn on them. 10 months ago
You’ve just described my entire experience with the Transformer tablet. After a year of sending it in within days of receiving it “repaired,” the day after my warranty ended, they said they discovered a faulty network chip and could replace it for the price of a new tablet plus shipping both ways.
I’ve been shouting “Fuck ASUS” for the past 10 years and I’m so glad I can now join others in it. 10 months ago
I had one of those. It worked well until I filled it up dor 90% ( photo backup while on holiday so I could keep taking pictures. ). It became laggy and slow. Even after doing a full reset.
At one point one of the keys in the keyboard got detached/broke. Was within the warranty period so i contacted them.
Sent the photos they asked. They still couldn’t determine the damage or if it was under warranty. So they wanted me to send it in free of charge. Then they would determine if it was under warranty.
If yes, they would repair it and return it for free If no, I would have to pay 50€ to get it back unfixed. Or more if I would ask them to fix it.
I never did it because I felt like they were just going to say “no warranty” for a quick and easy 50€…