It’s like it was almost designed for the rich to begin with.
Never has been. National anthem notwithstanding the United States has always been land of the richest getting what they want.
Hell the entire history of the United States is basically, we want something so we’re going to have it, and if there’s inconvenient people in the way then those inconvenient people will go away or die. The US had race separation until as recently as the 1960s. Wherever was the freedom? 9 months ago 9 months ago
Name a country where it is not the case that your first paragraph is true. 9 months ago
humans are naturally power hungry in everywhere and all the time. nothing will change for the benefit of the people and even if it does, it’s probably propoganda. 9 months ago
Isn’t USSA the land of religions? They even have it in their motto. 9 months ago
That’s a remnant of the previous Cold War that we engaged in, it wasn’t supposed to be that way. The founding fathers specifically separated church and state. 9 months ago
Really? All of this religiousness of brain is because other side of the Pacific Bathtub wasn’t religious? 9 months ago
Really not sure what you’re asking, but yes, the current wave of fundamentalists and evangelicals is a backlash because the USSR was a non-religious state.