Not saying this to be rude. But it’s kinda common lots of petty and passive aggressive emotional ppl doing that
Comment on [deleted] 10 months agoI want clarification that it is ok to list any reason you want when banning someone. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Yeah, I really don’t give a shit that I got banned, it just seems fucked up you can list any reason you want and it shows up in the mod log. I can ban you and list racism, posting revenge porn, supporting animal abuse or whatever I want and it’s there. 10 months ago
like hello LOL where have you been dude lol? I mean that’s how a lot of them are just from what I’ve seen I mean they don’t care about being fair dude. it’s I don’t know and my personal opinion if you can’t be level-headed about shit and you are letting your emotions kind of dictate how you run your online community then I think that you’re a little bit too involved and you’re a little bit too emotional thinking instead of being rational. like it’s just an online community dude you’re not God okay I mean I know you may feel like that for a second when you ban people and shit, but it’s just really fucking lame and it shows that you can’t handle conflict very well and afraid of Confrontation. so I mean really what kind of community is that even going to be I mean like there’s not going to be any discourse cuz you’re just going to ban whoever for whatever reason right? I mean a stupid over here on our instance we’re pretty level-headed. we don’t do that shit just don’t violate the terms of service or post anything illegal. 10 months ago
- Get banned for a made-up reason X in publicly viewable modlog, without right of reply or recourse.
- Get doxxed and username tied to your real world name.
- Doxxers send screenshot of you being banned for X to employer.
- Employer fires you for irresponsible use of social media.
- Sue for libel and damages (lost revenue from prematurely terminated employment). Chance of winning probably zero, but a bored no win no fee lawyer, or someone with too much time/money won't care about that.
All quite implausible, but why anyone would take the risk when a generic reason will suffice or simple insult would suffice is beyond me. 10 months ago
Right, is that not fucked up? What kind of a community can you have with such an abusive mod stifling discussion because their jimmies are rustled?
I was banned once on that same community and I owned up to having broken a rule and deserved it. I’m back in it and haven’t broken the same rule, and admit I screwed up. But this user did nothing wrong except make mod big mad. That kind of power does the opposite of what services like lemmy are supposedly here to do. 10 months ago
Specifically a made up and false reason. None of what was banned in those screenshots were remotely homophobic. This particular mod is extremely ban happy and has resorted to using BS reasons to report those he doesn’t like.
I realize they’re allowed to ban people from their own communities, but shouldn’t their listed reasons at least be accurate? 10 months ago
There may not be a lemmy rule against it, but damaging someone's reputation with false accusations is libel. 10 months ago
It’d be interesting to see this in the courts. Would stand as accused, facilitator, or witness? 10 months ago
Welll yes they should be.
But you have to remember here that there is no pre screening of mental and emotional acuity to be a moderate.
Nor are their behaviors held to account because most admins do the same.
A moderator acting out of personal dislike undermines the very purpose of a healthy online community: fostering open discussion, collaboration, and a sense of belonging
That’s not what they care about.