- Comment on Is Tesla Feeling the BYD? A Chinese Giant Shakes Up the EV Electric Car Landscape 9 months ago:
The ford mondeo was 'inspired' by the Aston Martin Rapide. This was at a time when Ford owned Aston Martin. Fisker and Porritt, who worked at tesla when the model S came out, also worked for Ford/Aston Martin.
It's not just me either. For example, here's a ten year old thread on the tesla forum which mentions it:
- Comment on Is Tesla Feeling the BYD? A Chinese Giant Shakes Up the EV Electric Car Landscape 9 months ago:
The tesla model S looks like a decade old eurospec Ford Mondeo.
Certainly look more alike than a porsche and a byd.
- Comment on Tesla to lay off everyone working on Superchargers, new vehicles 10 months ago:
What happens when something requires maintenance in a month/week/day?
Insert more poop emojis.
- Comment on People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK minister 10 months ago:
The darkly funny thing about this, is that he's saying this because there's an election coming up.
Clearly thinsk this'll be a vote winner with their electorate.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It's obvious everywhere. If anything it's often worse in the fediverse, because communities are smaller and extremists are more able to dominate the discussion.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
There may not be a lemmy rule against it, but damaging someone's reputation with false accusations is libel.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
- Get banned for a made-up reason X in publicly viewable modlog, without right of reply or recourse.
- Get doxxed and username tied to your real world name.
- Doxxers send screenshot of you being banned for X to employer.
- Employer fires you for irresponsible use of social media.
- Sue for libel and damages (lost revenue from prematurely terminated employment). Chance of winning probably zero, but a bored no win no fee lawyer, or someone with too much time/money won't care about that.
All quite implausible, but why anyone would take the risk when a generic reason will suffice or simple insult would suffice is beyond me.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Here's the thing: no one's going to do anything about it, but technically this may amount to libel.
On reddit you're banned via private message, so no one knows why you'd been banned, even if the reason is bogus. If someone accuses you of something in a comment, you can defend yourself. You have the right to reply. But in the fediverse you're banned and if the mod does it for a made-up reason, that false reason is publicly viewable in the modlog without you being able to do anything about it. They've maliciously damaged your reputation without any recourse, right to defend yourself / right of reply.
Now imagine at one point their username is linked to their actual name. An employer does a google, finds they've been banned for homophobia. Some arsehole doxxes them, and sends a picture of their being banned for homophobia to their employer. They're fired for allegedly being homophobic on social media. At that point, a good lawyer could potentially prove libel and damages caused. You're clearly annoyed OP. Now imagine someone with too much time and money on his hands.
It's real amateur hour shit. Sure being sued for libel is incredibly unlikely, but there are only downsides to not erring on the side of caution with stuff like this. Want to ban someone? Make up a generic or non-defamatory reason, or simply call them a dickhead, and go on with your day.
Stuff like this, the failure to respect GDPR/Privacy and NetzDG laws, a failure to properly deal with CSAM material... it's a ticking time bomb under the whole fediverse.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Here's the thing: no one's going to do anything about it, but technically this may amount to libel.
On reddit you're banned via private message, so no one knows why you'd been banned, even if the reason is bogus. If someone accuses you of something in a comment, you can defend yourself. You have the right to reply. But in the fediverse you're banned and if the mod does it for a made-up reason, that false reason is publicly viewable in the modlog without you being able to do anything about it. They've maliciously damaged your reputation without any recourse, right to defend yourself / right of reply.
Now imagine at one point their username is linked to their actual name. An employer does a google, finds they've been banned for homophobia. They're fired for allegedly being homophobic on social media. At that point, a good lawyer could potentially prove libel and damages caused. OP's clearly annoyed. Now imagine someone with too much time and money on his hands.
It's real amateur hour shit. Sure being sued for libel is incredibly unlikely, but there are only downsides to not erring on the side of caution with stuff like this. Want to ban someone? Make up a generic or non-defamatory reason, or simply call them a dickhead, and go on with your day.
Stuff like this, the failure to respect GDPR/Privacy and NetzDG laws, a failure to properly deal with CSAM material... it's a ticking time bomb under the whole fediverse.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Here's the thing: no one's going to do anything about it, but technically this may amount to libel.
On reddit you're banned via private message, so no one knows why you'd been banned, even if the reason is bogus. If someone accuses you of something in a comment, you can defend yourself. You have the right to reply. But in the fediverse you're banned and if the mod does it for a made-up reason, that false reason is publicly viewable in the modlog without you being able to do anything about it. They've maliciously damaged your reputation without any recourse, right to defend yourself / right of reply.
Now imagine at one point their username is linked to their actual name. An employer does a google, finds they've been banned for homophobia. They're fired for allegedly being homophobic on social media. At that point, a good lawyer could potentially prove libel and damages caused. OP's clearly annoyed. Now imagine someone with too much time and money on his hands.
It's real amateur hour shit. Sure being sued for libel is incredibly unlikely, but there are only downsides to not erring on the side of caution with stuff like this. Want to ban someone? Make up a generic or non-defamatory reason, or simply call them a dickhead, and go on with your day.
Stuff like this, the failure to respect GDPR/Privacy and NetzDG laws, a failure to properly deal with CSAM material... it's a ticking time bomb under the whole fediverse.
- Comment on Satellite images reveal China built a replica of Taipei’s presidential district in remote Inner Mongolia, fuelling speculation that Beijing uses the site as training ground for an invasion of Taiwan 11 months ago:
How many succesful zombie invasions has the US suffered?
- Comment on Satellite images reveal China built a replica of Taipei’s presidential district in remote Inner Mongolia, fuelling speculation that Beijing uses the site as training ground for an invasion of Taiwan 11 months ago:
On the one hand, scary.
On the other hand, it's a military's job to prepare for all potential conflicts.
- Comment on China decries U.S. ‘bullying.’ But, to many, China is the bully. 11 months ago:
It really says something that a country like Vietnam, a unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party socialist republic which was carpet bombed by the US and suffered abhorrent atrocities at the hands of Americans, would still rather have close ties with the US in large part because they're worried about China.
- Comment on Fact checking: Social media users are claiming the West broke a 1990 treaty undertaking not to expand the NATO security alliance closer to Russia’s borders. It's false. 11 months ago:
You're not wrong. It's something experts are worried about. For example:
- Comment on Fully working 270€ Nest Dropcam will no longer be supported. 11 months ago:
This is why I bought myself some blink cameras. Obviously, privacy is shit (and I've factored this) and you're affectively forced to pay for use their cloud service, but at least the (initial) purchase price is cheap.
But I've 'bought' cameras for far more, only for them to hobble functionality a few years down the line. And they've had vulnerabilities or whatever.
For the sensitive stuff, I have a camera with an SD card, but obviously phone notifications is a big selling point of systems like this.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
It says it'll be free for Window 365 users. Ie. 70 bucks and that includes office.
Obviously it's not great, but it's better than adobe.
Windows 95 cost two hundred 30 years ago.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
Keep it on the old 1TB hdd and buy a sata to usb cable or usb conversion kit?
- Comment on They say MacDonald's is expensive now. Are any other chains still cheap/cheaper? 1 year ago:
Serious answer: In the past I've made apple sauce/compote, reheated meals, boiled eggs, steamed vegetables and dimsum, soups, reheated stuff, etc. etc.
Also useful as a bain marie.
Apparently you can also make bread and cakes in them.
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
Are you sure?
I thought the correct answer was to make a Skyrim mod which requires Visual C++ redistributables.
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
How do you say "I'm very lonely" in C++?
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
Eg. you hear a word that sounds like another word, and can tell it's not that other word, because the other word has a different gender.
- Comment on Cold take: Lower Decks should have colored an Orion's blushing as green instead of red/pink. 1 year ago:
A common beauty hack is to match your lipstick colour to the colour of your nipple, so yeah.
This being said, maybe the Romulans or Vulcans in question have a fetish for humans.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Two anecdotes to illustrate what Americans don't get about healthcare:
I live in a western European country. I was involved in a serious accident and the passenger in my car was taken to hospital in an ambulance and had to have scans, etc. It ended up costing 1000 Euros.
One of my teeth needed to be replaced by a dental implant. I had it removed, a bone graft was necessary, then a few months later they drilled a metal pin into the jaw bone, then they placed a crown on it. The pin was Swiss made, the dentist did a 3d scan of the inside of my mouth for the crown. I had a few return visits. It ended up costing me 3000 Euros total, but I specifically spread the appointments around the new year: november - january.
Sounds ok, right?
Here's the thing that Americans don't get:
The first incident, I received a bill because it would have to be paid by the other party's insurance. 1000 Euros was the fully private cost without government intervention. The accident had happened just across the border in another country.
The second anecdote, this was also the fully private cost. Dental implants are not covered by healthcare. I have supplemental private dental insurance (20 Euros per month), which has a maximum deductable of 2000 Euros per year. Spreading it out meant I spent next to nothing.
The US system isn't just absurdly expensive for people who aren't insured, it's absurdly expensive compared to fully private healthcare in plenty of developed countries.
Hell, have a look at how much it costs to get plastic surgery in the US. A boob job is likely to cost you less than a visit to the ER, despite the latter being a far more involved and expensive operation.
It seems obvious to me that a lot of price gouging and anti-competitive behaviour is going on in US healthcare, and simply regulating (not privatising) properly would already make things far more affordable.
- Comment on They say MacDonald's is expensive now. Are any other chains still cheap/cheaper? 1 year ago:
A lot of America centric answers, so I'll give a more global one: Ikea or any comparable store which uses cheap meal deals as a loss leader to get you to shop in their store. AFAIK the costco hot dog is the most famous US example.
- Comment on What makes fishing as a hobby so appealing that people will fish all hours of the day and in nasty weather? 1 year ago:
A lot of stuff is meditation.
Eg. so called 'motorcycle emptiness' is very similar to zen meditation. You're entirely focussed on the here and now. Same thing for driving fast, gardening, golf, sports, etc.
- Comment on Affordable Android Excellence: Best Smartphones Under $200 in 2024 1 year ago:
Unfortunately it's a no go if you're using banking or government apps.
Not how it should be, but how it is.
- Comment on Affordable Android Excellence: Best Smartphones Under $200 in 2024 1 year ago:
When I bought my phone a few years ago, motorola offered one with relatively stock android, no forced install of facebook or whatever, several years of (timely) android updates, and a large battery. A few years down the line, and I'm still getting updates and the battery still lasts days.
And it was plastic and came with a cover, so it's survived the occasional fall just fine.
- Comment on What's going on with kbin.social? 1 year ago:
Probably related to this:
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
Vanity. It's the Devil's favourite sin.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
Goes to show that making a good game is still more art than science.
Hell, make a broken or buggy game, if it has the special something it'll still likely become a classic.
Eg. Fallout New Vegas or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.