Comment on Tesla Cybertruck turns into world's most expensive brick after car wash 10 months agoVehicle regulations are typically only for emission standards or exhaust loudness. For the most part as long as the vehicle can do the speed limit there’s very little regulation on the matter. 10 months ago
You’re forgetting the annual safety inspection required in most US states. 10 months ago
That’s never happened to me in my life. The only time the state ever “inspects” my vehicle is if I’ve already been pulled over for something like my exhaust 10 months ago
I did say “most” states. I used to work at a car dealer’s service department, and I’ve seen some cars come in where they don’t have a state inspection sticker because the owner just moved from a state that doesn’t do state inspections.
Because of that job, I’ve also seen stickers from other states that do do state inspections. Most of them will be on the windshield either in the bottom corner on the driver’s side or in the bottom center. They’ll list a month and year as numbers (ex. 8 and 24 for August 2024) for when the inspection sticker expires.
So, at least in my state, someone with 8/24 on their sticker would at least need to drop their vehicle off at a mechanic (not necessarily the car dealer, just a mechanic authorized to do state inspections) by the last day of the month. If the mechanic doesn’t do the inspection until the the beginning of the next month, that’s fine. You’d just get a sticker that says 9/25 on it when they’re done. 10 months ago
I mean conceptually that sounds fine like our vehicles should be inspected to ensure proper maintenance. The only problem I can see with that is poor people like myself.
I’ve gotten ticketed for having a loud exhaust because I was a pizza delivery driver and our cities roads are so bad doing the speed limit will total your car. I didn’t hand the money to fix my exhaust which is what I told the officer who basically said “Now you’ll have even less money” before handing me the $150 ticket.
I need a car for work (I don’t work pizza anymore but still have a 30 minute drive) just because one aspect of my car isn’t up to code doesn’t mean I don’t still need my car to get to work. 10 months ago
how brave of you! are you a soverign citizen also?