Not everywhere, but it is illegal in 3 US states now.
The Supreme Court effectively abolishes the right to mass protest in three US states.
Comment on Dozens arrested at Yale and NYU as pro-Palestinian student protests spread 10 months ago
is it illegal to protest in the US? 10 months ago 10 months ago
…but it is illegal in 3 US states now.
No. I wrecked that disaster of a Vox article in a comment days ago. 10 months ago
I won’t argue with the article, it was the first result that showed up in search, but the consequences are the same. SCOTUS refused to hear the case, so now the lower court’s ruling stands.
And while it doesn’t directly ban mass protesting, it does that effectively. If you as an organizer are financially responsible for every single person that attends your protest, invited or not, it’s a death sentence to mass protesting. 10 months ago
You REALLY need to read Sotomayor opinion. Your takeaway isn’t accurate at all. 10 months ago
A New York police spokesperson said arrests were made after the university asked police to enforce trespassing violations but the total number of arrests and citations would remain unknown until much later.
Nope, but you also don’t have a right to protest on private property. 10 months ago
Most of these universities aren’t private property 10 months ago
Alright, tell me which ones from the ones mentioned aren’t private property, then we can start the discussion from there. 10 months ago
Not officially but authoritarian politicians from both major parties (though mostly the fascist one) have passed a bunch of bullshit “public order” laws that basically have that result. Some of them even classify protesting as terrorism!
Plus cops are always looking for an excuse to arrest and assault protesters, of course. 10 months ago
Depends on what you’re protesting. If you’re against black people being murdered for no reason you might get the shit kicked out of you by government employees. If you’re against wearing a 1-ply cotton cloth to buy seeds in Home Depot that’s fine (and you’re allowed to block traffic for that). 10 months ago
they certinly wish it was. they don't respect our rights, they're illegitimate 10 months ago
They weren’t arrested for protesting, heavens no. They were arrested for some nebulous but definitely illegal thing that will retroactively be written on the arrest report just as soon as the cops finish searching their house. 10 months ago
It’s only a matter of time before we start seeing reports of pro-palestinian protesters
being murdered by copsdying from “Excited delirium” 10 months ago
Well, that’s both repugnant and par for the course. 10 months ago
Yup! Just typical cops doing typical cop stuff 🤬