Yes, but it’s actually level 3.
Not the Tesla “full self driving - no wait we actually lied to you, you need to be alert at all times” bullshit.
Hmm, so only on a very small number of predetermined routes, and at very slow speeds for those roads.
Still impressive, but not as impressive as the headline makes out.
Yes, but it’s actually level 3.
Not the Tesla “full self driving - no wait we actually lied to you, you need to be alert at all times” bullshit. 10 months ago
And definitely not worth the $2500 a year they’re asking for the feature. 10 months ago
Chances are, If you can afford the car, then that amount is nothing to you. 10 months ago
Having known one, some of their customers love their feature loaded cars to brag about and feel extra special. Some will definitely pay the 2.5k gladly. 10 months ago
Conspicuous Consumption. 10 months ago
If they assume full liability for any collisions then, I can see that being fair. 10 months ago
Come on, you have been able to pay the price of that Mercedes in the first place.
These 2500 are not going to hurt. 10 months ago
Many people use credit to buy a car out of their league. 10 months ago
They may do do. I have no mercy for them. 10 months ago
Then those people might as well take an extra loan for 2500 a year.