- Comment on xkcd #2958: Hatchery 7 months ago:
Lmao I love the word jokes. Especially the alt text one.
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
I don’t understand the “that’s no how PDFs work” criticism.
Removing data from the original file is the whole point of the exercise! Of course unique tokens can be hidden in plain sight in images, letter spacing, etc. If we want to make sure to remove that we need to degrade the quality of the PDF so that this information is lost in said lossy conversion.
- Comment on G7 Countries Spend 62 Times More on Military Than Humanitarian Aid 8 months ago:
Interesting that there is a fine difference between humanitarian aid and humanitarian assistance. I doubt many journalist are this strict about their wording, but good to know nonetheless.
Social welfare provides the exact same things (housing, food, medicine) but instead of some disaster zone somewhere it’s for disadvantaged citizens in your own country. Of course, the logistics are massively different, as well as the timeframe during which the services are provided. But it’s still basically the same thing: help other humans with fundamental necessities.
So I would disagree with your claim that it “isn’t the same thing at all”. It differs in some details, but the central service and fundamental reasoning is the same.
- Comment on G7 Countries Spend 62 Times More on Military Than Humanitarian Aid 8 months ago:
Additionally, this is total military spending vs foreign humanitarian support. So giving food to children in Gaza counts, but feeding the homeless in your own country does not.
I still agree with the conclusion, but the headline is kinda rage bait.
- Comment on Apples to Apples 8 months ago:
Actually, apple varieties are preserved via grafting. If you take an apple seed, the tree that will grow from it only has 50% of the DNA of the tree that made the apple. So there is absolutely no guarantee that the taste was preserved across generations.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
NO understanding. Just words that happened to describe all of it.
If being able to describe it does not mean understanding, then what is understanding?
- Comment on The Force should be plural 9 months ago:
What force did he have if those are the other forces?
- Comment on You can't see him!!!! 9 months ago:
Forsén stated in the 2019 documentary film Losing Lena, "I retired from modeling a long time ago. It’s time I retired from tech, too… Let’s commit to losing me.
From Wikipedia
She was a paid model, so I don’t consider the usage unethical based on that. But I like this comment from a journal:
In today’s age of high-resolution digital image technology, it seems difficult to argue that a 512 × 512 image produced with a 1970s-era analog scanner is the best we have to offer as an image quality test standard".
Lmao, they do have a point though!
- Comment on #justgradschoolthings 9 months ago:
An impostor, lol
It’s where the term for the syndrome comes from.
- Comment on Geography is neat 10 months ago:
They will probably never join. Iirc there was a referendum once and they are quite happy with their arrangement.
Norway is part of Schengen and the European economic area.
- Comment on Geography is neat 10 months ago:
Nothing is out there! All there is is a lake and birds and fish. And a big ass cement block. And a wooden walkway. But there’s nothing else there. It’s a complete void. The environment is perfectly safe!
- Comment on Geography is neat 10 months ago:
Sure, but Norway is not in the EU ;)
- Comment on The more air conditions in an area the hotter becomes around it. In turn increasing the demand for AC. Talk about infinite money glitch. 10 months ago:
Ah, I was afraid that might happen. Oh well.
- Comment on The more air conditions in an area the hotter becomes around it. In turn increasing the demand for AC. Talk about infinite money glitch. 10 months ago:
Unfortunately it does not work that way :(
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
I would love to see this data, can you link it? I am aware their marketing pushes the “10x better” number. But I have yet to see the actual data to back this claim.
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
That is the new system. Tesla has no equivalent to it. Or to phrase it differently:
Drivers can not activate teslas’s equivalent technology, no matter what conditions are met, including not in heavy traffic jams, not during the daytime, not on spec ific California and Nevada freeways, and not when the car is traveling less than 40 mph. Drivers can never focus on other activities. The technology does not exist in Tesla vehicles
If you are talking about automatic lane change, auto park, etc (what tesla calls autopilot or full self driving) these are all features you can find in most if not all high end cars nowadays.
The new system gets press coverage, because as I understand it, if there is an accident while the system is engaged Mercedes will assume financial and legal responsibility and e.g. cover all expenses that result from said accident. Tesla doesn’t do that.
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
Also, it’s hard to argue “full self driving” means anything but the car is able to drive fully autonomously. If they were to market it as “advanced driver assist” I’d have no issue with it.
Definitely won’t get an argument from me there. FSD certainly isn’t in a state to really be called that yet. Although, to be fair, when signing up for it, and when activating it there are a lot of notices that it is in testing and will not operate as expected.
At what point do we start actually expecting and enforcing that people be responsible with potentially dangerous things in daily life, instead of just blaming a company for not putting enough warnings or barriers to entry?
Then the issue is simply what we perceive as the predominant marketing message. I know that in all legally binding material Tesla states what exactly the system is capable of and how alert the driver needs to be. But in my opinion that is vastly overshadowed by the advertising Tesla runs for their FSD capability. They show a 5 second message about how they are required by law to warn you about being alert at all times, before showing the car driving itself for 3 minutes, with the demo driver having the hands completely off the wheel.
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
It also fails to mention how the accident rate compares to human drivers.
That may be because Tesla refuses to publish proper data on this, lol.
Yeah, they claim it’s ten times better than a human driver, but none of their analysis methods or data points are available to independent researchers. It’s just marketing.
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
What Tesla is (falsely IMO) advertising as “full self driving” is available in all new Mercedes vehicles as well and works anywhere in the US.
Mercedes is in the news for expanding that functionality to a level where they are willing to take liability if the vehicle causes a crash during this new mode. Tesla does not do that.
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
I’d wager most people, when talking about a plane’s autopilot mean the follow waypoints or Autoland capability.
Also, it’s hard to argue “full self driving” means anything but the car is able to drive fully autonomously. If they were to market it as “advanced driver assist” I’d have no issue with it.
- Comment on Can I Put it in my Ass? 10 months ago:
Missing a few more "hello there"s, unless this is what floats your boat:
a 12in diameter, 2m long Crystal of silicon (not silicone), made for semiconductor manufacturing
- Comment on If people from the US love the imperial system so much, why are their musicians using metronomes instead of footonomes? 10 months ago:
From what I’ve heard he wasn’t such a great peacetime president either.
- Comment on First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out, US military says 10 months ago:
Only if the goal is reproduction. You need to survive to reproduce.
If the goal is maximum damage for the least amount of economic cost then a suicide (anthropomorphizing the drone here) can very much make sense.
No one would argue that a sword is better than guns or bombs, because you still have the sword after attacking.
- Comment on Mercedes becomes the first automaker to sell autonomous cars in the U.S. that don't come with a requirement that drivers watch the road 10 months ago:
The reason this gets attention is because it’s the first level 3 sold to consumers.
The tech is hard, of course it’s gonna start out with laughingly limited capabilities. But it’s the first step towards more automation.
- Comment on Mercedes becomes the first automaker to sell autonomous cars in the U.S. that don't come with a requirement that drivers watch the road 10 months ago:
Yes, but it’s actually level 3.
Not the Tesla “full self driving - no wait we actually lied to you, you need to be alert at all times” bullshit.
- Comment on Pick! 10 months ago:
As long as you tuck it’s really hard to land in a damaging way.
Back flips are surprisingly possible with some exercise. I can do them on flat ground.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Fair enough :)
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Sure you can, but you need to adjust your position due to centrifugal forces all the time. A time machine would have to do that as well.
If a ball is flying in a straight line through space with a speed of 1m/s I can predict without much math where it will be at any point in time. In fact, if the reference frame is chosen such that the ball is stationary you don’t need any math at all, because the ball doesn’t move!
However, if you have a set of two balls orbiting each other you will always have to do math to calculate their position. I mean technically you could choose the reference frame that is rotating in sync with the balls. But still you need to do math to check that the centrifugal force, which is a real force coming from nowhere in this reference frame, exactly cancels out the gravitational pull between the two balls. Because rotating reference frames are not equivalent to each other!
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Rotational reference frames are out though! (Unless you want to deal with magic forces acting on your masses)
And since the earth rotates around itself and the sun, and the sun rotates around the center of the galaxy, you will always have to deal with a moving target.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Actually for me the conclusion from my math was that it’s surprisingly possible to get millions of light years away from earth with just time travel. As such I consider the meme to be scientifically accurate.
Seeing earth as a lava planet or the primordial soup of life would be pretty sick!