Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months agoThe “everybody knows” argument roughly translates to “I don’t actually have anything but I’m counting on a larger consensus to validate my opinion for me.”
Not substantial enough dude. Until I see something factual I’m just going to interpret this as your feeling and not a compelling point in this conversation.
You seem to have a grade school-level understanding of international politics. Not only is that not how they work, you’re misremembering. Russia did not attack us in Syria, he retaliated against Syria over a chemical attack. Russia took Syria’s side and opposed the US response to the counterattack.
I guess you just don’t have anything substantial to argue with. 10 months ago
Nothing would be factual enough for you.
Don’t hurl insults especially when you don’t know what you are talking about.…/american-commandos-russian-mercenar…
We fought Wagner and killed over 300. Putin learned trump want fucking around anymore. 10 months ago
Your source just says there were mercenaries, and paints a picture of horror if Russia actually sent troops and attacked, which means they didn’t. Thanks for proving me right!
What insults? 10 months ago
Wagner. That’s a Russian pmc they use for deniability. It’s Russian troops. 10 months ago
Please explain how this is Biden’s fault, or makes Biden an unfit president.