Nice, among those responsible were Michael Flynn’s brother and the Trump-appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Everything he touches seems to turn to shit. Good on the whistleblower for having the courage to speak up. Hope we get some kind of investigation. 10 months ago
Trump urged Justice officials to declare election ‘corrupt’
Trump wanted to use the delay caused by the insurrectionist mob to get the traitor caucus to certify fake electors and hand him the presidency despite being voted out of office.
And you’re going to vote for him again. 10 months ago
Yes I am. Biden is a larger threat to our country 10 months ago
Conservatives have a long history of ushering in Fascists because of scary leftists demanding things like labor rights or equality for sexual minorities.
So yeah. Big shock there. 10 months ago
Where are the Biden recordings of him asking officials to fix elections for him? 10 months ago
So no way of knowing when they were written, got it. At least it sounds better than anonymous sources.