The modern Antivax movement was literally started by a British doctor anal probing kids to prove the jab doesn’t work, but don’t let that stop you from making everything America’s fault!
US has a huge influence on the entire world. Could it be that it started (or got amplified) in the US due to poor healthcare and then spread out to the rest of the world? I’m not trying to put all the blame on US of course, but it doesn’t sound that unreasonable that it could be partially responsible. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Hey, I’ve been really careful with my words to NOT say that. I was just wondering and I acknowledge that it might be nonsense. 10 months ago
Maybe the prominent anti-vax campaigns in the US and their proselytizing on the internet have contributed to the sentiment worldwide but there’s always been mistrust of vaccines around the world. Most of the current anti-vax rhetoric about the autism link was first put forward by a British doctor…/fulltext