It’s probably one of the biggest potential saviors tbh, having robots efficiently construct wind turbines and solar arrays in inhospitable locations will help us transition from oil far faster and more efficiently.
I know a lot of people want to go back to having half the world impoverished so we can exploit their cheap labour like in the good old days but technology already helped them access education and stuff so that game is over. 10 months ago
Is it going to be used to do dangerous labor, or just expensive labor? I have a feeling the places like the cobalt mines in Africa will be among the last to get robot workers while McDonalds in countries with first world wages will probably be among the first. 10 months ago
the scientists build the robots. Society and its corruption will determine how they get used. I don’t think it’s a reason to not build robots or to say they’re not worth making. At some point in the future, society may collectively improve and the robots will be there to use. 10 months ago
Not all technology is inherently neutral, and scientists know this. Scientists also typically know whos funding them. You think anyone at BD was surprised to see their work on a robot dog end up by the sides of police to be deployed at protests? 10 months ago
The hour’s growing late there. We needed to solve that problem before this technology became available. Just need useful life-extension technology and then it’ll just be a bunch of rich psychopaths running around the planet, and everyone else will be disposed of.