Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 10 months ago
it’s not true. i was a heavy smoker and quit and didn’t replace it. it was tough. the temptation for a smoke took like 5 to 10 years to disappear.
i never drank much alcohol, but decided to quit that too, after i realized i hadn’t had a drink in several months and wanted to see where it’s going.
i know several others who quit one thing or another and didnpt replace it. replacing can be a coping mechanism though. if you replace with something that’s more easy to quit, it’s a good way out. 10 months ago
You are not an addict. This is right up there with “why don’t homeless people just buy a house”. 10 months ago
Being a heavy smoker, they certainly were 10 months ago
Being addicted to something isn’t what being an addict is. 10 months ago
Oh well, then please fucking inform me what is cause I’ve been misleading myself for a damn long time 10 months ago
You’re definitely splitting hairs with the definition here. You might be correct, but there’s also a good chance that OP didn’t use the terminology correctly either and that the answer given is exactly what they are asking about. 10 months ago
Does it hurt to use your brain?