As a fan of F1/2 who hated 3/NV and its jank, this game got me to enjoy the series again.
I really enjoyed the base building and it felt cool rebuilding some of the wasteland, something I always questioned why it wasn’t more common in other games, it’s been hundreds of years clean the fucking rubble from your bed room and stop sleeping on a hundreds of years old mattress 8 months ago
Your comment made me realize how shoehorned the crafting is. Other modern games had crafting and base building, so just stick it in fallout! Ugh.
I’m the type to spend an extra 10 hours in subnautica collecting all the materials to make a giant and perfect self sufficient base. Fallout 4 saw me turn that first gas station into a multi-floor hotel. It didn’t really add anything to my experience though. I only ever went there to mod weapons, which also would’ve been a much better experience without crafting! Finding mods rather than crafting them would make them special.
Also being forced to find a special table just to affix a scope to a gun is fucken dumb. 8 months ago
You mean like Fallout New Vegas? 8 months ago
4’s crafting is a far cry from NV’s.