Comment on ... tadaaa 10 months ago
Hot milk with a drop of coffee…?
Are you familiar with the concept of a caffé latte?
Yes, and pouring too hot milk into a very badly looking espresso (which is missing crema) from a tea can spluttering it all over the table exactly makes it a crime.
Where did it get on the table? I didn’t see that
Easiest one to see happens just before the glass breaks, when the foam is rising at the top.
Early splatter on the right of the screen, another one at 0:12 at the left and at 0:05 someone else is pulling their cup/plate out of the danger zone. 10 months ago
Are you familiar with the concept of a caffé latte? 10 months ago
Yes, and pouring too hot milk into a very badly looking espresso (which is missing crema) from a tea can spluttering it all over the table exactly makes it a crime. 10 months ago
Where did it get on the table? I didn’t see that 10 months ago
Easiest one to see happens just before the glass breaks, when the foam is rising at the top. 10 months ago
Early splatter on the right of the screen, another one at 0:12 at the left and at 0:05 someone else is pulling their cup/plate out of the danger zone.